Face-Two Quotation.

It was no coincidence that we were born into different quotations and testaments in life, all were made for a particular purpose and clear lessons from those who were before us (ancestors) and I believe every era or period bore its own quotations according to its seasons. In the Roman period for instance, where swords and shields were the reigning words of the minighty, the era of battle, we hear the quote ”There No Courage Without Fear” as it serves as strength for the weak. There's also, ”Death Is Every Man Equal” A word for strength and courage faced to even the taker to the world beyond “death”.

When it involves matters of the heart, we here quotes like.. ”Love Is So Short, Forgetting It's So Long” By Pablo Neruda. It also goes further in regards for heartbreaks and this time we hear.. “To guide your heart, Love no one but your children”.
Lastly, to keep a reminder and punishment for matters that regard emotions quotes that hits well are..“He who cheats with you, Cheats on you” and for my best on this part of the note ” Karma Is A Bitch” know these and know peace👌

Down to real-life matters and motivational quotations, Common knowledgable quotes like “Life Is For The Risk Takers And Not Comfort Seekers”… “The Greatest Gift Of Life Is Time”.. “Nothing Is Fair In Life, Not Even The Short Cuts” “The Mind Is The Mind Is The First Eyes Of The Rich, And The Physical Sights Are Its Repical” …and keeps going on and on…

….Especially in these recent times where so many quotations speak less truth and more of personal interest which we often come across on social medias but at the end, I'll stick to my quote that says ”Give Credit To Choice, For It Appears In Two-Face, As Short As A Tommorrow. But Not To Forget It Tiks Faster By Dawn And Never Too Late To Retrace”.

The world we live in operates in twos and “choices” is the description of life decisions that comes in twos and these personally has helped me to down to this day. I put so much importance on my choices while weighing its effect and that keeps me ready to take full responsibility for the result no matter the twist that comes from the plots.

I also find choice as another gift from hope, a gift that could only be acquired by the living, a gift that promises more choices as long as life's existence continues. It gives a chance to retrace, correct, rest and keep on moving even in the mud. Choice is a vital essence of life and when asked of my best quote, I'll choose to agree first with the response of a young man who was asked the same question.

His Response; “Do life The Way It Works for You”. That prompted me to write my own quotation which is the last quote above. I do what works for me by being careful of my choices even though “it's never almost late” to make amends.

Photo Credit Is Mine.
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