With my Magic Wand…..DISAPPEAR!

I don’t hate animals, I love them because we all are living beings. I especially love dogs but after losing a few I grew attached to in the past, I have decided to avoid having pets for now.

Despite my love for animals though, I expect that we all respect each other’s space. Really! A spider should be outside enjoying nature and not in my room! The worst are cockroaches! These insects live like they pay the rent in the home. They disgust me really! Just stay in the sewer please! I keep buying strong insecticides like Snuper and flush down my toilet, but someway somehow, they never completely disappear. I heard that if my neighbors all flush their toilets with insecticides, we will be free from them.

Erik- Pexels

Honestly, even though cockroaches disgust me, I think I can live with them, even when they can magically pop out of nowhere when you have a guest and move across the room, no problem! I have fumigated my home several times but these insects just find their way back even when I clean the entire house to get rid of their eggs which may be hidden in dark corners. Like I said, I can live with having cockroaches

What annoys me with cockroaches is that they do not come alone, they are accompanied by wall geckos that feed on them, after all we all are in a food chain. I’m not sure if it’s the African myths and stories about those animals that make me detest seeing them or the fact that they are just weird nocturnal lizards. I just don’t want to see them and wish they could all disappear.

After using strong fumigation chemicals in my home almost every month, I decided to try a product that was recommended to me by my sister. It’s a powdered substance that cockroaches are attracted to. Since I have children at home, I use it only at night in dark corners, on my kitchen floor and every where a cockroach may be found. The first day I used it I was shocked at the amount of dead cockroaches I found in my kitchen cabinet. And that was the end of cockroaches and geckos in my home. Here’s a picture of my magic powder.

Beyond that, I do my best to make sure there’s no leftovers or dirty dishes in my kitchen sink. We clean the kitchen every night before bed and package anything that might be of interest to those insects and put them in the fridge. Then we let the insect powder do the rest. I can’t remember the last time I saw a gecko and I am sincerely happy about that. They can stay out in the wild and be happy, but please, don’t come to my home!

Since I have no power to create an animal, I definitely have no right to wish for it’s non-existence, I only would appreciate that these little creatures remain in their space while I stay in mine. However, anytime I go out, I’m somehow in their space too…sooooooo… I just don’t like geckos. Thinking about them just made me want to get this article over with already.

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All content is mine except otherwise stated

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