NYSC Experience: Courage in Chaos

Experience has taught me the power of persistence even at the point of gunshot when I felt like giving up. During my NYSC days, I was posted to a rural area in Borno State. This was an environment where fear and uncertainty loomed large. I was posted in an NGO to provide educational support to the displaced children. As someone who believe in education as a tool for change, I was dedicated to ensuring that the educational needs of the displaced children are met.

Hence it was a village which was under constant attacks by Boko Haram insurgents, it was eerily quiet. This was because every loud or silent sound was felt as a prelude to something terrible. Sleep at night was elusive because of the danger felt at night.

One evening, we heard a rumour that the Boko Haram insurgents were spotted in a nearby village and were heard of planing to attack our village. This anxiety was palpable. That night, was the longest night in my life. I questioned every decision that had led me to accept my posting to Borno State but I found no answer.

Amidst the fear, something unexpected happened. I had a feeling of resolve. I aborted my earlier plans of leaving the State and decided to continue delivering quality educational support to the displaced children, even though I felt everyday like walking on the edge of a cliff.

In those tensed weeks, I learned more about courage than ever thought before. I discovered that true courage is about moving forward amidst all odds. I learnt that in the face of overwhelming danger, one can still find strength within himself. This experience gave birthday to new me today; now a brave and selfless young man.

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