If Motivaton was a Man, it's no person other than Abraham Lincoln

“I will prepare and someday my chance will come.”

– Abraham Lincoln


Are Motivatonal stories really overrated?

I asked myself this question a thousand times and the only logical answer I could get if I should say it's a yes is simply because we motivate even when not necessary.... How could you see a man who barely eats thrice a day and you're telling him he will buy car the next two weeks?
It's not logical and it's unreasonable and should he buy that car you said, it's just a miracle or he stole one..

People will say that everything that enters Nigeria becomes a joke because obviously we try to make jokes out of everything, probably to keep our sanity because country hard, hehehe

It is the overuse of these Motivatonal Stories that makes it look like they are overrated and not the Motivatonal Stories itself because for every Motivatonal Story you put keen interest to read or listen, you will definitely end up getting inspired and motivated.


Abraham Lincoln; the man whose story keeps inspiring me

Image is designed here

I guess this is a man we all know or I hope so, hehe but I won't bore you with his story also because the word counts will be unimaginable, I really have a lot to say about him, lol.

For the benefit of doubt, he was the 16th President of United States of America who served from 1861 till 1865 and one of the most respected President of the United States of America there will ever be.

He will be always remembered for ending slavery in the States by his Emancipation Proclamation but, do you know that behind this successful man lies many trials and attempts of failure in various spheres of life, not once, not twice not even thrice but uncountable times?

He is a man who not only failed in business, lost his job but also failed in politics numerous times but then what happened?

He never gave up and continued hoping for the best keeping his eyes fixed at the goals alone.
He already defined his goals and targets so all he needed to do was to keep pushing for it.
Have you defined your goals?

He clearly illustrated the saying, "that the key to success is through failure" because it's okay to say he failed his way to success.


Whenever I sit down to reflect on his life history, I keep asking myself,

what exactly was this man's drive? What really kept him going after all those years of failure.

The more I think about it, the more I keep on realising that honestly everything is possible but it is only for those who remain focused.

Patience while working hard is really an underestimated virtue and it is what keeps dealing with our youths currently because everyone wants to be rich immediately even without putting the desired effort.
All we want is that we want to be rich and end up involving ourselves in many other unnecessary activities we aren't proud of later on.

Abraham Lincoln through his persistence and patience got to the apex... It's not just okay to wait, but it's okay to wait while working hard to achieve your goal.

This is a man who inscribed his name in the minds/hearts of men.... That's the utmost goal in life anyone can achieve; The fact that you are remembered centuries to come even after your demise.


Many Motivatonal stories if not all of them are really helpful and have one or two things to teach us only if we are willing to decipher the teachings and stop making caricature of it all and by so doing, it is also important to note that we should motivate only when necessary because the most valued thing on earth will lose value when overused.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day ahead 👍

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