Watching Memories

My early childhodd held a lot of pleasabt memory, one of my favorites comtained the tv, snacks and my family gathered round the parlour. Growing up, my mother came home every weekend with a different CD, most of them were my favourite cartoons, Barbie, Barney, Tom and Jerry, etc. Some of them were popular movies like The Legend of the Seeker, Prison Break, Merlin and the like. We had a house of university males and females so every trending movie, music video was played on our small tv and handy dvd.


I was raised in a house with relatives who were chronic movie watchers, alongside my elder brother and mom so it wasn't hard to be pulled into the loop. Although, I was protected from certain scenes because they weren't PG-13. And i could easily manipulate my way into watching barney for hours, it was one of the perks of being the last born at the time.


Every time my mum got off work, she'd set up popcorn, ice cream, pastries and drinks for us to have a movie night. It was something that brought all of us together after a long day of work, play and school. Although we didn't have it everyday, we held it every week. Our neighbours joined us and it was kust a full house of laughter, bants and happiness.

If there's anything I'll look up to after a long day, it was movie night. As we grew older movie night grew into DStv night, where we watched a series of cartoons with my mum, my uncles and aunties now exploring their different lives. We would have snacks and a blanket and the generator running for hours till we passed out from too much TV. At this time i was no longer the last born and although the baby needed a lot of attention or my mum was way busier now, those few hours held memories.

As time went on, life happened and movie night started fading slowly into a myth with everyone growing up and facing more of life, day by day. We always planned it but things weren't the same, regardless im glad it was a thing in my day and age. So to answer this weeks prompt, If there was anything I would bring back, it'll be that old DVD and CDs. Our microwave and our old TV with the old programmes on it,all those greeat shows we couldn't find then.

They held memories I would always treasure, things I would want to pass down to my children and memories my future husband will get an earful of. However, I'll hold-on to the memories, the scratched CDs we have stacked in boxes we no longer can play.


This past week has been a lot for me to handle and juggle, but I'm back better than ever and this weels hive naijaprompt definitely inspired me to come back better than ever. Whats a childhood memory, youll keep?

My name is Sherah and writing is my game.

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