Being Generous With Our Time, Effort And Resources


Bible rightly said that there's more happiness when we give than when we receive. Being Generous and helpful to others makes us glad and sustain humanity. Our heavenly father is pleased with such attitude and attract more blessings from him. It's brings more open doors and break barriers that improve our growth.

Good name is better than riches and acquisition. It's a valuable achievement that stand for years even more strong after our demise. Helping others is the best ways of acquiring such a good name and legacy. Many examples are there to prove that we are blessed when we help others with our time, skills and resources.

There are many ways to help others with our valuable resources and skills. But it involves more sacrifices and efforts. We might even not remembered or appreciated for such services and goodness. Our clear intentions was to improve the lives of our recipients of the goodness and gifts, not accolades. We are being motivated to do more for people when we prepared and ready to help others.

Volunteering service is a good way of helping others especially when disaster strikes. Disasters of various magnitudes can occur. Such uncontrolled events can happen so sudden and it's strength can cause people's lives and properties. Helping them with valuables like foods, drugs and motivational words while building their homes is good acts that attract more blessings and makes us happy.

Around 2010, huge flood swallow many people's homes, properties and farmland. It happened across many states and areas in Nigeria. Millions of dollars in the terms of the homes and properties were submerged especially around the riverine areas even our former president, Goodluck Jonathan evacuated his families because it affects his region and villages. There was crying and pain in the land which swing many of us into selfless actions for humanity.


Before the administration hiccups, as the government are delaying to provide services to help our people. We have already organized ourselves professionally to provide the necessary assistance and help to the victims. We are ready to help them and we did that freely. With vital equipment, we rescue many drowning people especially the weak, older and young children. On our camp which is closer to the flooded region, they were given foods, clean water and drugs. Depressed ones were motivated with good words and examples.

As the great deluge rescinded gradually, we started to build up home for relocation and survival. Government of various levels provided assistance with many initiatives but our volunteer groups are doing our best to give the victims a benefiting home. Although some politicians came for their reputation building so that they will win elections, many of us are there to provide needed assistance and support.


Whenever we help others, we benefit a lot. We saves humans and give them hopes. Helping others is a best form of worship and God is pleased with such selfless services.

Helping others can open doors of opportunities like the volunteering service, we did. Many people get to know us and give us jobs of building their homes which money paid was very pleasing to us. Whenever we assist others, we will never go hungry but happy at all time.

Thanks to #HiveNaija for this week prompt and platform to express our joy of helping others in a post like this

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