I've Only Got Two Hands.


Whenever I wake up sometimes and look at all I have planned for the day, I wonder if 24 hours would be enough to cover them, else I have to take it over to the next day which is why I sometimes multitask.

Multitasking, what is that? This is when people (myself included) try to do two or more tasks at the same time. Bear it in mind that not all tasks can be done simultaneously, this is why it is imperative that we choose tasks that are slightly connected.

Do you have plates to wash at home? And you also want to prepare a meal? You can combine these two together. While waiting for that yam to come to a boil, use that time to start washing the dishes. Instead of doing it one after the other, you might end up saving some time by doing them simultaneously.

Sometimes, doing things one after the other works for me, all I have to do is to plan them so I won't keep procrastinating.

Can people really multitask? Yes and No. Trying to take on too many things at the same time can become a big problem and one or all of these tasks might have to suffer for it, especially when they are cognitive tasks.


But then there are also simple tasks that one can do simultaneously. For instance, there was a time when I was preparing a meal and while waiting for it to be ready, I was reading and also sipping a hot cup of coffee or better still I could be eating and reading. Easy right, but then I wouldn't want to try combining anything with preparing meals that takes like three minutes to get ready. For example, when frying plantain, if you divert your attention for a moment, you might end up with burnt/black plantains 😂😂, so that kind of meal requires your full attention.

Another instance is if you have a program on the radio that you listen to at a particular time and you also have clothes to wash, you can decide to combine both together without one having to affect the other.

I have often heard of how multitasking reduces productivity or reduces the quality of the work done, but I believe that those tasks done simultaneously are those that are not connected in any way.

Multitasking helps but sometimes it is not easy. I can remember the first time I decided to combine simple tasks like eating and dressing up for an outing, it didn't end up well. The food ended up not settling well despite the gallons of water I took. Maybe it was because I was running late to where I was going to get me so worked up, I can't really say but I would say that is an example of simple tasks that I can't seem to combine together. It's either I sit down and finish my food before dressing up or the other way round or I just pack my food along with me.

But even for simple tasks that I mentioned above, if I noticed it's not just working out, I do them one after the other, after all, I've only got two hands.


I agree that multitasking can affect one's brain and reduce the quality of work when used frequently, so in order to avoid that, we should try not to over-do it because our brain needs all the rest it can get.

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