My Preparation For The Next Bull Run.

Honestly, I just feel I am one of the lucky people in the cryptocurrency world. There are times when I know nothing about how to invest or what to invest in but I'm glad that I have people and mentors who guide me through my cryptocurrency journey. Apart from that, I am someone who loves to Tweet all the time and not just tweet about any random thing but check tweets relating to cryptocurrency so that I can know the currency to invest in. To an extent, I'm very good at trading cryptocurrency but I only trade spot and I've been able to check and see what is had been going on in the market for a few months now. I'm not the type who focuses on just one coin so I trade over five coins so I can know the potential of each of those coins.

I trade LTC, BCH, XRP, Solana and Polygon. The amazing thing is that all of these coins have the potential to be very expensive in future. The charts I read, the things I heard and read from various platforms are enough for me to trust those coins to an extent snd decide to go for them. Also, I feel that the bearish market is about to end. I see we are moving close to the bullish market and the only preparation I'm making is to invest. Luckiky for me, I have an offline job that pays me well so I can always deduct some money from my salary to invest in cryptocurrency.


The first step which I have taken is investing in HBD. As we all know, we can get 20% of our HBD investment after thirty days and it won't be a bad idea if I invest in this and make 20% profit at the end of each month especially when I invest with a lot of money. Now, I already invested with a little amount of money but as time goes on, I will still deduct from my salary to keep investing so that I will be earning a reasonable sum of money as my profit. I think that makes a lot of sense.

Also, I'm planning on buying more Hive coin. I feel this is the best time to acquire the coin because it is likely that the coin never comes back to this price. I remember a time when Hive was over $3 and I'm sure that is going to happen again but we never can tell when it will happen. What if it happens in the coming bull run? Well, I'm just imagining but anything is

I can't do thr bull run without investing in Solana and Polygon so I would invest in them too. Well, it actually depends on how much money I have. I know I'm going to be swimming in money in the next bull run but I hope things work out the way I want it to.

Can you also tell me the plan you have for the next bullish market?

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