The Only Boss I've Ever Had.

The first and only boss I've ever had was a woman. I worked as a primary school teacher in a small primary school not far from home. It was around October, 2019. I got updated by a friend that there was vacancy in the school he was working, I wrote a letter and went to submit. I was interviewed that same day and got the job immediately. She seemed and sounded nice throughout the whole interview and I perceived she was one who likes excellence and smartness.

This woman studied English in university and even furthered, she was the type that always carry herself elegantly, poses herself well that no one would dare to think less of her. She is married to a pastor and I think that helped her more as a owner of a school, she didn't shove Christianity in everyone's throat but she it was obvious that she carry God for head. She was so nice and cruise a lot with every teacher whenever she is free. She loves children a lot, the younger kids around age 1 - 4 were her favourite; she would spend hours with them, teaching, singing and playing with them.

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She was that kind of person that dislike average, she prefers anything above average. I remembered how she would correct us, the teachers without having to be to strict or rude. She would compliment our outfit, relate with us way less than her position, can be sarcastic at times. She has three children and they are well trained, smart and free with other kids, they rarely behave like their mom owns the school and they support their mom in terms of administration. They know what to do when the kids are too playful, noisy or need help. I wonder how she trained them to that extent because they were still very young at the time I was teaching then.

I was far different from other teachers, I was the youngest and most reserved. I barely talk except it is need. I was glad that I worked there, I learnt how to work in a team, also work as a team with older people without having an issue with them. I was awarded as the most reserved teacher: my boss while awarding me said, one would have to open my mouth before I will utter a word. I didn't change even when I got close to all other staff, even the kids would occasionally tell me that I don't talk a lot.

Well, my boss is human and has flaws. One of her flaw was that she trust some parents so much and in a way would believe some of these parents more than we the teachers. There was a time she had issues with me because she believed a particular parent, a woman. This woman had a child in my class and this boy would go back home and tell his mom everything that happened in school, I mean literally everything; the one in the class, on the field, break time, during assembly,even the ones he only heard but didn't see. This boy had told his mom a lot about me in the beginning of my work there at the school, very nice and jovial, I taught them with fun. Even when I had to change a bit because the kids wouldn't want to take me serious because I was overly playful with them. He had been downloading all that happen in school to his mom, who would now over think and add flavour to it and feed my boss.

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Matter got worse a particular time, we had permission to cane any child but warned to be very careful not to cause any injury. I rarely beat the kids then until they decided to be so unserious. One day, I caned the whole class, I couldn't let it slide. While I was beating this boy's on his bum, he placed his hand on his bum after been warned several times and was not on the back of his palm; I knew it was so painful. I told him I am sorry and massaged the hand well after making sure I caned him. This was the day I turned bad in his stories to his mom. As expected, the mother told my boss and she asked me, I told her how it happened. Since then, my boss started having issues with me to the extent that she wanted to sack me. I had to start praying about it, it is bad when people start saying or calling you what you're not.....

Finally, answers to my prayers came. One fateful day, the owner of the school realised her flaw. Actually, her trust in the woman and her son was betrayed and it was too obvious to be hidden. She called me and told me how much she had wronged me, accepted her fault and I told her not to worry about it. I contiued in my ways. I resigned when I got admission into the uni. I also went back a year after to work again, this was during a 8 months strike. It was a blissful experience all through, I learnt how to push myswlf to be better at the right things even when it was hard to. I also learnt to be very responsible for every of my action.

Thank you for reading this blog

Images used in this blog were gotten from Canva

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