It came unexpectedly: A journey of being a mother.


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I have always dreamed and envisaged a beautiful life to give my kids when the time comes. I have had a series of thoughts on how I would parent my kid in the right way because of what I have seen happening around me. Some mothers could not give their children the best nurturing and upbringing and this is why you see little children being left to play around while messing themselves up. Some mothers do not care too with good nutrition and their kids become something else, and there are good and comfortable mothers whose kids would want you to give birth because of how amazing they take care of them. This and other reasons are why I would want to give the best to my kids when they arrive, and of course, money and the right time are the major factors to do that. I love children a lot and I would want to do my best, but it all depends on the best time to do that especially when I am buoyant and ready enough to settle down and have my kids.


Something has happened which has thwarted the plan and I am left with no choice; it's either I terminate this pregnancy or leave it because I am not yet ready to become a mother and it came at the wrong time when I don't have the financial capacity. What should I do?


First thing first, I don't want to agree that some children are given birth by mistake. Never! It's a wrong statement to utter and I wouldn't be the one uttering such from my mouth. I am against termination or aborting a pregnancy because it is against my faith as a Christian and also, it is a sin of murder because doing that automatically makes me a murderer. I am going to give birth to the child and accept my fate while I switch on to a plan B since A has been ruined. I have a conscience and killing such a child means depriving him or her of coming to life. Besides, I won't forgive myself forever especially when in the future, I get married and give birth to other children, remembering that incident while looking at them may haunt me which might turn something else to me.

Another reason I would not be terminating this pregnancy is that there are cases of most ladies dying in the process especially when they did it by a quack doctor or possibly, aborting just took another turn in their lives. I wouldn't be risking my life in that process. Most ladies have cut their life short due to termination, while some would end up with complications that would be disastrous in the future and this may cause them to have broken homes when they aren't able to give birth because their wombs have been damaged due to such termination in the past. What if it is the only child I am destined to have? It would be a troubling question in my mind.


Above all, children are blessing from God. I believe things might or would turn out to work well when the child is born, even though it may hamper some plans I have had in mind, it still would make me see the beauty of life in my child knowing hope is not lost as I may regain all I have lost due to an unexpected happening that stopped those dreams I have had.

Thanks for your time on my blog.


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