My Embarrassing mode

Hello, good day to everyone Here on this platform. How is today going? I believe you're having a great day new here and it is my first post on this platform


The most ridiculous of it all is the embarrassing one which we all wish never happened. Of all the memories I had in life, there is one embarrassing one that made me this regarded

It was one Fateful Friday night. I was in the shop where we sell food stuff. I was staying with my aunt, the distance between the house and shop was very close my aunt had two kids and they were boy and girl.the girl was the elder while the boy was very young,it was already past 9pm that very day the boy fell asleep and my aunt ask me to take him to the house and let him laid down so I did as she asked me to do she also said I should go with candle and light it so that the house would not be dark and power was not restore by that time, I light up the candle and left the house to the store so as to park things inside the shop.

I was done with my parking. I went to the house so that I can drop water that we will drink when we get home and I noticed that there was a fire burning inside the house. The candle got burned. I rush in with some water and stop the fire from spoiling other things in the house.

After I was able to stop the fire, I was shocked at the words I had to explain to my aunt and things spoiled by the fire. I was sarclt to return back to the store and tell my aunt what happened because I know she will beat the hell out of me, not only beating but something more serious than beating . So I waited for her to return home that same night. On her arrival I explained everything that happened and she started to shout that night people started coming out to explain to everyone that I want to burn her house with her child. She is the one that came and stopped the fire from burning the house and her child.

People came out the More, she beat me that night I was ashamed of myself and people that came out start saying that I'm wicked and making jester of I was the new topic in town even if am going to the market and see my peers group the will start laughing at me and said wicked girl that wants to destroy her aunt home even in the market people neglect me is not everyone wants to sell for me and this brought a lot of embarrassed and I never wish it could happen.

my peers never regards me anymore , I became friendless and I always feel ashamed of myself going through this pain along.

Thanks for reading

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