If I could turn back the hands of time...

Hi guys .. welcome to my page,it beeb long i came around here, because of been so busy with final year project..am sure you guys can relate to jow stressful it is.
I just want to thank God that i am now a graduate in the department of Agriculture..it wasn't easy at sll but came through,i am so happy and i pray i find strength to face the outer world.
This topic ,is something that i wished for because so many things have been happening lately and i just wished i could just turn back the hands of time and so things would go back to what it was.
My parents were doing very very well,When i was younger and i went to nice schools, but when i entered ss1 , thing's really changed , bussiness wasn't moving again ,it was as if we were stuck .. my mum always stayed and behaved as if nothing was happening , but deep down i know so many things weren't going at all..i was even afraid that i won't be able to further my university education but she and my dad did everything to see me through,and doing same for my siblings too.
I really wish ,we could go back when we were doing really great .. that memory keeps flashing in my head.
But as i go around my daily routine ,i see so many people praying to be in my present condition,so far am grateful and i just pray and wish,i get a good business and help my parents .
So say hi,to one one the latest graduate in town.😁
Una well-done.. thanks for reading and i wish to see you again.

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