Its a good day, a good time, and the peach and quite is helping me relax on this sofa, and is gradually getting into my head, making me to subconscuiously believe that life is full of many peace and quites.

  Honestly, i actually do not know what to write for this post, because i have never, not that i can remember, fall back to think of the good qualities of my self. I believe the fact that i just need to work on my flaws, be perfect if possible, and yes, build my worth and value and also, my relationship with other people. I was actually learning something else and decided to take a peek at the leogrowth prompt when I saw this topic. Had to stop and take a deep think; What do I actually love about myself? what do i appreciate myself for? What are those amazing things that make me unique?

when i got my Reproductive Health (family planning) certificate

  After thinking deeply for a while, i have come to understand that I have been spending most of my time, trying to be better, without celebrating my little achievements, or looking deep to check the amazing things about me. Even when i graduated from nursig schol, i refused to celebrate it. i went to my bed to think of what step to take next. All I think of is flaws and how to perfect those flaws. Tch, such a drag. Honestly, a big thank you to whoever's idea this is, to bring out such topic.

  Now that i think of it, there are many amazing things about me. One of thse things is my ability to embrace loneliness. I think i have enjoyed the feeling of lonliness for almost a year, to the extent that I have little distractions.

  I actually used to see this as a flaw that i needed to fix, but now that i think of it, I now view it from a new perspective. I see it as a gift, because not everybody can stay alone in their house for a week, but me, i can stay alone for more than three months, with no calls and no body to talk to, just focusing on what matters.

  Another thing i love about my self is the fact that i don't really care about what my peers are thrilled about. People talk about the latest fashion, the latest phone, the latest this and the latest that, but all i can think of is the latest balance my account show me. lol. People do call me boring, i get that a lot, but for reasons unknown, i enjoy my own space and require little or no disturbance.

  Three more things I love about my self is my ability to motivate other people, my ability to remain physically calm in every situation, and also, to never give up or admit defeat. I will never get my self in a situation where i will be defeated, neither will i give up on what i believe. These are some amazing things about me.

My entry for the #octoberinleo prompt day 4

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