Hive is like a mothership with us,members who like promoting hive, being the scout shuttle.

There are many difficulties faced when I embarked on my hive journey and honestly,I will not want any other person to face such difficulties because it made my goals delayed.

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Every body is cracking their heads, trying to look for something they can bring to the hive platform to ensure that an impact is made by them.

The hustle is real, and the journey is no where reached, by everyday, we try to make something new to positively impact the hive ecosystem and bring it out to search engines like Google.

There are task that seem impossible but with hard work and profound determination and sheer will, "impossible" has been eradicated from my dictionary.

Coming into the hive ecosystem as a newbie was as difficult as giving a baby an iron weighing 10kg to lift. I had no mentor, no body to tell me click here and don't click there, nobody to guide me from doing things that will attract purnishment and stuffs.

Looking back at my past and evaluating it thus far, in as much as I don't like saying good things to my self, one thing I will tell myself is that "you are a quality contender who is strong and brave. A determined god-like king in a mortal body who will achieve greatness, all depending on your output."

Oh, I don't have the luxury to start complimenting myself, instead, I tend to talk I'll about myself so that I will upgrade my game.

Navigating through different communities like the OCD, Aliento, Introduce yourself community, the one thing that I find out over there is that when newbies make their introductory post, some get supported while others don't.

However, after the initial support and encouragement, these newbies are left on their own to fend for themselves. This is a very challenging task because a newborn bird needs it's mother to put food into its beak, else, there is a high probability that this bird will die. The bird will only survive if luck in its side.

I don't know if you understand what I mean?

Due to lack of mentorship and provision of valuable information needed to navigate the complexity of the hive platform, many new users have left he hive platform. Once a newbie, I could relate totally to everything the newbies are facing.

As our faces are different, so our desires are. I'm that person who will not allow other people to pass through the pain I passed through.

Based on this, if I have enough resources and there is no limitations to the resource I can access, I will do two things to improve the hive ecosystem.

Firstly, I will make sure that hive is promoted to the ends of the earth. I know good strategies of promoting products and services, however I will apply it to hive to make sure that it reaches everyone no matter where they live or work

Promoting hive will bring about more newbies. Based on this, I will set up a support program as well as a guide program for all newbies to join and get basic information needed to navigate the site and find suitable communities that will aid their journey.

The goal will be to impact hive by bringing in newbies who are well educated from onset about the hive space and the web3.0 at large.

Thank you for reading 😊

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