What I can do, and I'm not doing & what I can't do, and I'm doing

It's a new month, a new week and a new interesting topic from hivenaija, this topic really gonna make me wake up from slumber, because it's really gonna make me flash back on where I was, where I am now and where I suppose to be. Though I thank God for my life and where I am today, because I never thought I could even be who I am today, if not for God and self discovery. Now talking about what I can do and I'm not doing it, it really make me to be somehow feel sorry for myself because I know it's something I should have pass a long time ago.


What I personally know I can do and I'm not doing, is how to drive car. It always make me feel bad anytime I remember that I don't know how to drive and I had the opportunity to have known how to drive, but I wasn't serious about it then. All my friends around me can really drive very well and we both decided to learn this at the same time, but I wasn't serious about it. So sometimes when I see them driving, I always feel like I'm the one driving, whereas I don't know how to drive yet. So I feel like it's something I should know how to do already, but I'm not doing it because of my unseriousness. But I promise myself to know and be doing this before the end of this year

Another thing is what I can't do, and now I'm doing it even with boldness and confidence. That is giving a speech in public and addressing people


Being someone that now give speech and addressing people in public is something that baffled me myself because right from my nursery, secondary and even higher institution, I've always be the shy type, not only the shy type, I'm also a stamara when it comes to giving speech in public. A'd this has always been me since I finished my higher institution, but after my
school, I joined a group of network
marketing, and that is where I discover
myself and even build up my self esteem. It wasn't an easy job at first, but with discipline, determination and commitment, I became who I am today. Today I give public speech almost everyday due to the work I'm doing. I actually don't belief me being a stamara can do this at first, but thank God I didn't loose my courage, and that's what really make me to be who I am today

Now giving speech in public has become part of me to the extend that if I
didn't do this within a week, I'll feel like
I'm reducing in knowledge. This is what I
can't do, and now I'm seing myself
doing it more than my own imagination.
This really do make me feel happy
within myself anytime I'm giving speech
in public

I hope my entry go along way in you after reading it... Thanks for stopping by!!!

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