Unplanned Event that changed my thoughts & Life


This topic remind me of how my life was some years back before I got to meet the opportunity I'm currently into now which has changed my life tremendously. I'm treating this topic with so much excitement because it really worth it. Back then in my life, I've been through alot just because I was looking for an opportunity that could change my life. I tell people this, what is easy to see, is also easy to loose. The fact there is if you're not tasting for water, and you were offer one, you won't value it because you were not the one that asked for it and there is a big difference between need and want... When you want something and you don't get it, sometimes you give up on that thing and decided to look for another means, but when you need something, that means that particular thing is very important, crucial to you, you'll always find a way out to get it by all means.

What bring this is because of how I get to see the opportunity that changed my entire life, the whole stories sounds funny by the time I started narrating. But I'll narrate the stories so everyone can learn one or two lessons from this. A great man said something that, when preparedness meet opportunity, success will be inevitable. My life was on misery when I met what changed my life, I wasn't expecting it and I never thought the opportunity can come from where it came. Though to be sincere I was tired of what I was doing for living, tired of life entirely but I just didn't know what I'll do for me to be able to leave the kind of life I want. I was getting frustrated already because the salary work I was doing is not paying me well every month and I had alot of depth I needed to sort out,which I don't have any miss or alternative to cater for this.

The event I attended that change my life was an unplanned one, the event came as an impromptu. Infact I didn't dress well when I was going because of the skills my friend used in telling me about the opportunity... See read this very well, There is a big different between hearing, knowing and understanding something. And sometimes your ignorance can make you poor and let you to remain where you are for the rest of your life, it's not by causing, it's about telling ourselves the truth that needed to say. To be frank with you, I was really on search when this opportunity came to me. And If my guy decided to tell me the truth in the beginning, I might loose the opportunity, because I know and have been hearing about the opportunity for a long time, but I didn't really understand how it works. But getting to the Event I didn't plan for, with my patients I saw and heard alot and from the event I know the reason why i keep complaining about money.i saw end from the beginning

Immediately my thought changed and my self esteem and belief increases. Which is why I said it from the beginning that when preparedness and opportunity meet, success is inevitable. Though the event was unplanned for, but yet I'm always prepared and ready to look out for opportunities. And that's what make me to grab this opportunity I came across from this event and today, things are not difficult the way it used to be then.


Today I'm thanking God because through this one day event that I attended, my life has been changing within my eyes. I hope you learn one or two things from this my entry

Thank you for reading till the end

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