
In fact, by foresight we mean that we will do something now that will benefit everyone more in the future. Suppose a danger may occur in the future. And if we can understand that danger in advance and we can prepare for that danger then that is called foresight. Actually different people have invented different things in our world. Actually when they were inventing that thing in the first place we didn't give them any value. Because we knew then that these things would be needed and that creating these things was an unnecessary waste of time. But when that thing is useful to us in the future, we realize how visionary the man was. In fact, today's society is so much better for these visionary people. Also we are very thankful for these visionary people.

In fact, if we don't think about the future, we can never move forward. In fact we all know that we can work much harder in our present age i.e. in our youth. But at no other time can we do hard work like this youth period. That is, the older we get, the weaker we become and the more we lose our ability to work. In fact, people can no longer earn much due to the gradual loss of the mentality of working like this. In fact, if a person is well throughout his life, but in his last years he slowly starts to get sick. In fact, when he is sick, he needs a lot of money to treat him. And that's why visionary people always save money little by little thinking about the future.

We have many people in this world who are extravagant. That is, they spend the amount of money they earn throughout their life. In fact, they have to face various problems later due to spending extra money. But then there is nothing else to do. That is, at the age when he was supposed to earn money and save money, he squandered money and money, and later when he is in great danger, he has to suffer greatly because he has no more money. In fact, visionary people always try to use all their time properly. Because they sense everything in advance and they like to solve all problems in advance.

And for this reason, like these visionaries, we must always think and move forward. In fact if we move forward without thinking then we will face various problems and due to those problems we will not be able to move forward in life. So before doing anything we should always think and try to solve future problems. In fact, if we can solve everything in advance, then we will never have any trouble in the future and our future life will be much better. And these visionary people not only for themselves they always extend a helping hand to every people in the society and try to benefit them.

Divcerealmi c67

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