Love is beautiful, but not enough.

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Love is a beautiful thing; no one will deny that fact. But when there is no money, love becomes so bitter. Gone are the days when money does not really matter in a relationship; honestly, everything has changed in the blink of an eye. Well, I wasn't saying money did not exist in the past. But they are not as social as we are today, so their wants as humans then were limited. Even as at that, you must still have some things you are doing to make sure you are doing well. Even though there was a good economy and things were better than because there was no inflation.


In the era we are in now, financial security is extremely important in everything we are doing—not just important; it is necessary because in everything you do you will need money. I've seen so many people living their husbands or boyfriends alone because they are not financially responsible.

Love is never enough; in fact, what is love without money? Giving an instance, there is this good friend or mine who happens to have a fiancee. They dated for more than three years, and since they love each other, they are thinking of doing an introduction in a formal way. As time goes on, this guy lost his job and was financially not okay. Although he was doing his best when he's fine. In this case, the guy was unable to provide financially what her girlfriend needs, and so on. Before we knew it, one way or another, the relationship was broken, and they are no longer together. Even for married couples, their relationship breaks because the husband is unable to provide for the relationship.


Why do you think most men refused to get married? Why do you think some people don't even want to enter a relationship at all? These are all because they are not financially responsible. I, as a person, had a dream when I was a child that I would finish everything I needed at the age of 24 and get married at the latest at the age of 25. But then look at us today. Lols I know it's funny, yeah.

The pressure on guys nowadays is too much, and you will hardly see a lady who wants to get married to a broke guy. In fact, if there are 99 percent of ladies in this world, you will hardly see 3 percent that will take love over money.
Being broke is bad, and there is no prevalence of brokenness. Well, I wasn't saying there is no love at all. I was just saying that to see true love will take time.

But a combination of money and love will go a long way. Why do young ladies love to marry old men? Isn't it because of the fact that they are rich? Too much pressure.
If you don't have money, you are no one, actually. There are so many things in having money; respect is number one. In my country. We don't respect based on age. We give respect based on assets.
In short, there are so many things attached to money, so please get the money.

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