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The legacy from my upbringing (to pass and not to pass to my children

I grew up in a close-knit family where dinner time was sacred. Every evening, my parents would gather the family around the table for a nourishing meal and meaningful conversations. I so much cherished this tradition because it brings in a sense of unity and belonging among family members, providing a safe space for open communication and shared experiences. I can still remember those memorable days just like yesterday, the laughter and warmth that filled the room as we bonded over food and stories.


This tradition represents more than just a meal, it's a cornerstone of family life that I hope to pass down through the generations. My dad would narrate stories of the tortoise and the pig, also sing for us the olden days song for us, to the extent that we were always waiting eagerly for night to come. That's what children loves (funny moment)

My dad takes our schoolwork seriously. He would always instill discipline in his children. He always makes sure we do our homework in his presence and gathered us together on weekends to study. For a child who's so stubborn, he doesn't tolerate laziness and indiscipline. Doing assignments ourselves in his absence later became a routine for us.


Another important thing I learned from my dad is generosity. Whenever we go out, he always gives money to the needy. I didn't understand why he always do that at first, but now that I'm older, I've picked up the same habit. I'm grateful to him for teaching me that.

As a reflect on my upbringing, I recognize the importance of leading by example in shaping children's values and beliefs. My parent strives to embody qualities such as kindness, empathy,discipline and resilience in their daily interactions, serving as a positive role model for us [their children] to emulate. Through their actions and words, they imparted a valuable life lessons that will guide us [their children] on our journey to adulthood. When I become a parent myself, I would love to replicate all these cherished rituals in my children.


My dad only cared about our education and ignored the skills each of us had. I know education is important, but he didn't see the value in our other talents. I was determined to excel academically, but one of my siblings wanted to join a football academy, and my parents ignored his talent and pushed him towards school instead. My brother has always felt sad because he wasn't allowed to pursue his passion till now.

I'm Determined not to repeat the same mistakes with my own children, I always wanted to create a more balanced approach to education. I believe in nurturing my children's passions and interests, rather than imposing unrealistic expectations upon them. Instead of focusing solely on grades and achievements, I want my children to pursue personal growth and fulfillment, even if it means taking a different path than the one I traveled.

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