!! Death why?

Greeting everyone, my friends and my well wisher,i hope you are all enjoying and having a nice day

Today i want to share with you a tragedy that prefer my family years to do night, it was so painful losing one of your family member, someone you loved a beautiful soul for that matter

I lost my beloved grand mother yesterday nght ,being saturday 10th august 2o24 ,it was one of my darkess night

Allthough , i already know she will be gone soon because she has been sick for two months now and ever since then she has been say that she wants todie ,that her breath is falling her

I always cry when ever she made that statement and always pray for god to keep and preserve her from more year so that i can grow up enough to take care of her

She loves me so much ,more than any of her grand child ,and i know that

She always says that she loves me because i took after her and also that i have a good heart like her

She was a woman of peace , kind hearted and a loving soul, she never allow people cry because of what sshe can afford , she always give whatever she has, as far as it will make people happy, and i always admire it, i always want to be like her and i think i am

She always advice or her grandchildren to be always hard working and always have good heart like her and we promise to always make her happpy

Untill that night , i was lying down but am not comfortable, i don't know what's wrong with me
So i decided to go and stay with grandma in her room since i wasn't able to sleep,so when i got there , i realized that she has been calling my name, that was when i know that she was the one disturbing my spirit at that time

So i bent down to answer and know why she has been calling me.

!! guess what she said

She said she wants to set her eye on me before she leaves, i was shocked

And i said "mama what are you saying ,dont worry i will sleep in your room today"

She said i should come close ,which i did and she start by saying "my daughter you know i always love you because you are my replacement , always have a good heart as i do, and always look after your siblings ........."

Before she could even stop what she was saying,i was already on tears , tiredly she wipe my tears with her left hand and she said i should go and called my father, which i did immediately

On gettingback to her room with my father my father was shocked to see her lifeless i tried everything possible to convince my father that we were discussing few seconds ago ,but my dad said that she is gone

I was shocked ,i was frighten and i cried bitterly ,i thought that the whole world was gone , it was indeed one of my darkers night in this world

I guess she never wanted to leave in my presence that's why she insist i should go and called my father so that by the time i will be back she might have gone, and that was what exactly she did

I never sleep throughout yesterday night because, thought of her was all over my mind, i couldn't imagine that my grand mother was gone and gone forever

She was taking to the mortuary this morning and will soon be buried so that she will go rest in eternity

May her gentle, kind, loving soul rest in peace

R.I.P best beloved grandmother and i promise cherish your memory

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