Reflecting on my Opinion about parents making a Career decision for their Children

I have once been a victim of this experience, my dad wanted me to be a doctor while my mom wanted me to be a psychologist, but the truth is I have never dreamt or wished to be any of these two. It was hard for me to make them realize that this was all a decision to make and they shouldn't force me into it.

Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

Most parents try to make career decisions for their children because they feel they are more experienced than the children and also because of their financial support. Some children fail to realize what they want in life, what they dream of having, this is why most parents try their best to make decisions for their kids to help them know and direct them to the right path they should follow but this is a wrong approach, these are some of the reasons why some kids will go to school or learn a skill but fail to finish that skill they learning or get lost in between.

The truth is students should be made to make decisions for themselves and the parent supports them by advising and sharing experiences. In situations like this if the father advises a child to choose a career path and the child does not love that career path there will be a lot of distractions and loss of focus, Like what an old proverb says “You don't tell a child about life you let him Experience it and make decisions”.

Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels

It took me time to make decisions on which career path to choose even to date as the world keeps evolving on new technological skills, we must not just relent only one career but multiple engagements. It was hard for my dad to support my decision but later he understood that I was grown enough to make the right decision for myself and even though it failed he knows I am it's my life and my decisions to make.

Although parents trying to create a career path for their children are helping the child's life to be better In their understanding, what about the Child's decision, what about what the child wants. I believe when a child gets to 16 years he should be able to visualize a lot of this thing around him to decide on what he wants. This is the job of the school, to educate the children on different career paths and which everyone they will love to choose then they organize an orientation on each one they wish to choose, this was what I did and it helped a lot of us in school back then.

Parents should respect their children's autonomy and interests, Parents can help us by advising and educating them on the best career path to choose but they should not make the final decision on the career path a child should choose. This is one of the major jobs of parents, to provide guidance to their child and help them foster the growth of their mindset and a great future

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