Taking Stock Of My 2023 Expenses: An Act Of Self Financial Awareness

Hello everyone and a warm happy new year from me to you. 2023 might have gone past by, but it is of necessity to reflect on the things we spent our money on, it is just a way of taking stock of the kind of things we let go of our resources to.

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I believe as human, we have alot of bills to settle and sometimes, there are some we can't shy away from, on the other hand, there are some that could be avoided with respect to curtailing our financial expenditure.

Firstly, for someone like me, I would be sincere here, 2023, I spent so much money on local dog and Goat meat. I don't know how that obsession came from but I realized anytime I stepped out with my friends, we will order full of full pan of meat couple with drinks and this really made me financially unwise. In a single seating, I could spend like #800 naira which is equivalent to 19.8 hive, such a huge amount of money in this country's economy.

tray of dog meat

However, I could stay a whole year without taking this but the recent obsession about this which led me to spending so much on it is what I don't really understand. This year, I will be very strict on the kind of occasion I find myself.

Also, I spent money alot on snacks and junks, this is because of my contant laziness to cook. Before last year, I coul go a full month without taking all these sugary stuffs but then, 2023, I became so lazy that I get to cook once or twice a week and this alone had consumed a whole lot of money as it can't even satisfy someone.


This year, I have decided to be intentional about my financial life as well as eating more of home cooked food than junks or going to the restaurant to eat. I realized that if I could cook at home, it will save a lot of money than buying these junks and sugary stuffs and be harming my health system.

Moreso, I realized that in a single month especially last month, I had spent like #12000 naira which is 12.8 steem equivalence on data subscription alone, the most funniest thing is, I will just use it to watch online skits and a little time to making money from the data.

I know the world has evolved to a stage we can't live without data but then I have come to a conclusion that I will be subscribing my phone moderately and monitor the way I use it. I remember when I never had to check my Facebook and TikTok accounts, I was still alive, I am certainly going back to those days so I can cut down the subscription rate.

Last year, I know I had spent money unnecessarily and this year, I promise to make it up to myself. Much of my money will go into self growth and development. I really messed my financial life up last year and this year I am making amends, if it's not a pressing need, I am not spending on it, I have already started it in respect to data, I will continue with it till my goal for the year is achieved.

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