Children, Movies and Everything in Between.

Seen a person who go nut after seeing a good movie hereby, assuming the role of a marketer, telling whosoever cares to hear about it?
Or one who finish watching a movie that has fifteen episodes in a day?Worst of all, one who stay up all night watching movie?Maybe, that's not the worst but, one who can't wait to unfold the suspense at the end of an episodic movie consequently, enduring or doing things he or she wouldn't have done ordinarily, like starving one self, suspending things that ought to be done at a present moment to a latter time etc.
Look no further for the "Who" because the who is me. Adulthood has taken quite a lot of my shenanigans and I'm so thankful it did because, looking back at the lane of time, I would have tongue lashed my younger self, admonishing her that she can act better. A kid behaving better?That didn't came out nice as intended.

Due to the severity of outage of power supply back then in my area, (that hasn't changed though) every household television shew nothing near to brightness other than dark cloud however, once in a blue moon the power industry turned our darkness into light, its usually a call for celebration whenever they did; with jumping and shouting of UP NEPA. Everyone tries to make good use of because, we were well aware that sooner than later, it would be interrupted. I do not do much with the power supplied, all I did was to try to, catch up with movies have lost track of. My kinds of movie weren't cartoons, sitcoms or family series but action movie, all thanks to my Dad for that.

Dad was the one in charge of anything that has to do with electronic gadget while Mum did the.......
"Dorcas,you've watched enough, goan read"
"Dorcas,give me the room and retire to bed immediately, it's late". Meanwhile, heady me! nothing ever stop my escapades whenever I'm set for it not even my Mum. Whenever she has done her lot, I would sneak out of my room, switched on the television and made sure to reduce the volume to zero,subtitles helped! I know I have a knack for watching movies but I guess,a fruit doesn't fall far from the tree; my dad is a pro movie watcher. He would watch movie till darkness creeps into the moon. I can vividly remember how he send me off to bed while watching movie with him but, stubborn me! would feign obedience but beeped through the separator ( curtain) still seeing the movie from behind, lol.

Movie rated 13 but are not okay for 13 years old.

I was recently watching a movie on my phone, the view suddenly went blurry when it got to a violence scene. I kind of like the initiative behind it but not entirely. If they don't want to preach violence to the viewers especially to kids they shouldn't have added that to the movie in the first place.
"Seeing is believing" and what a child sees sticks more than anything he (she) has heard that goes against what he (she) has seen thus, what has been seen can't be unseen. If we really want kids children to behave according to their age,we have a lot of work to do as their elders, guardians and parents.

© Medemausi

The picture is mine.

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