Children autonomy in career choices.

Career is what we do or practice for a life Time, and any mistake in making decisions will affect the whole life and at the same time cause one not to achieve a great career, and not reaching goal in life.
For sure our parents are superior over us and their words have much influence over us and have greater chances of standing, but one thing we don't have to forget is everyone has his or her own life to live.

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Our parents are like a guidance to make right choice and not them making the choices for us as their children especially when it gets to career in life. Most of the children and youth today are suffering because of wrong choice's or forceful choice, most people today are doing or are in their career just to please their parents against their own will or choice.

Like I said earlier, our parents can only be our guidance ideally, when you give birth to your child, you train the child and while the child is growing you are the parents knows where he or she is good and find peace while doing them, you check out the child's ability and capacity in education, when you are able to find out all these things as a parent you can not help your child or children to make choices and not you making the choice for them.

I can remember when I was growing after my junior secondary school, my parents called me one earlier morning and asked me, victor do you want to become in life, I was shocked because I wasn't expecting the question then I told them I want to study science, and they replied me science is a broad one what in science would you like to become then I told them I have to take my time to digest it and tell them later but that I'm going to do sciences.
After my senior secondary school 1 (SS1) I told my parents I want to be a medical doctor wow there were happy and immediately the both of them said they are in support of me, you know that feeling when you parents are in support of your actions, I was encouraged and I keep pursuing the dream so you see they serve as a guide to me and not just to make the decision of career for me.

If parents can reduce the way they impose something especially choice of career you will see that, level of willingness for Education will increase and the joy for autonomy will be there, and our children will be able to face their choice and ensure they didn't fail. The truth is that when Ever you make a decision, you will like to follow up that decision and make sure you achieve that which is involved. When you make career choices for your children they may lack interest in it and then say after all my parents as me to do or study that it wasn't my choice then there won't be good productivity.

In conclusion, parents are not supposed to make career choices for their children, for everyone has there life's to live and you are the parents can only be a guide to them while they make they career choices.

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