Toxic relationship: The silent Killer of self

Toxic relationships can have a profound and lasting impact on a persons emotional,career,mental, and physical well-being. These relationships, whether romantic,familial or friendly as the potential of erasing self-esteem,destroy ones confidence,and leave deep scars.The effects of a toxic relationship can be traced to every aspect of such a person life.


Living in a toxic relationship can feel like being trapped. The constant use of negative comments, condescending attitudes, and the "I am the controller" behavior can lead to fyeelings of worthlessness,hopelessness, anxiety, depression.

You feel like you're walking on eggshells of which you don't know when the next explosion is coming or how it is coming, or constahntly trying to appease the other person to avoid conflict. This can lead to emotional damage, where you start questioning your own sanity, doubting your abilities, and losing sometimes,losing self. The relationship becomes stress, rather than of love and support.Can be compared to being in cell/prison,being in chains ,restricting and denying self.

Toxic relationships can significantly impact mental health, increasing the risk of depression, anxiety disorders,trauma ,stress,thereby ausing social isolation as individuals become withdrawn, ashamed, and fearful of seeking help or leaving.


I know of a man sometimes ago, whose wife do beat and maltreat reason being that she(the wife) earns more than,so she took care of most of the bills,thereby looking down on and disrupting the man.
Truthfully speaking,the man almost went sane,if he goes to work and couldn't bring home anything he starts shivering on the steps afraid to proceed to their door,if he does not leave home for work,he's sure to receive the beating of his life.....and a whole lot.

What happens to love,was the sign not seen from the onset, and all were questions bothering me
At long last,the man died.
Still young,someone not up to 50years of age,now the woman wants to remarry,and nobody wants to marry her,including those men who have money,they don't want to.


The effects can/may/will spill into professional life,disrupting focus,growth and productivity. Toxic relationships can erase self-identity, leaving individuals feeling lost,worthless, confused, and powerless.

Recognizing the signs of a toxic relationship is the first step toward freedom. Seeking help from therapists, trusted friends and family is crucial. Prioritizing self-care and self-love can help individuals rebuild self-esteem, regain confidence/self-esteem.

Am sure those toxic partners should know they are giving not just their partner but the society and those who could be of help to them tomorrow a bad and wrong signal/impression of self if they dont change.
Even though most do well to hide it

We all deserve respect, love, support, trust, and freedom.
Never allow or let a toxic relationship define your worth. You are stronger than you think, and there is hope for a brighter,loving and healthier future. Reach out, seek help, and take the first step toward reclaiming your life. Healing and recovery are possible. Break free from that toxic relationship and discover your true self.


I am not a victim,never been a victim though, but I know and see people who in the name of "love" are in one,I talk to some,but most times,its hard to talk to or convince someone who's in love,and most of the victims are female,always responding with "he will change"," with time",he loves me"he's apologized".And a whole lot of things,its better to come out of it before it turns you into who you are not.

Though toxic relationships can leave deep scars, but they do not define you. You have the power to break free, heal, and start anew. Take control of your life, seek help, and stsnd above the toxic relationship.Even you will sppreciate you and your future self will appreciate you. The pain may seem unbearable now, but with time, support, and self-love, you will emerge stronger and victorious.

Thanks for taking your time to read through🙏

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