Hivenaijaweekly: AYA (Ask Yourself Anything)

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Somehow this is going to feel like I'm interviewing myself but I find it interesting. So let's go with the first question:

Do you ever believe that you'll be where you're today?

I've always been someone that had doubts about myself growing up. The truth is or was my struggle with inferiority complex really dealt me a heavy blow that I never saw myself as good in anything. I always thought I was far behind my peers. So to meet up I'll try to do stuff my peers were doing just so I could feel included but yet It felt like it wasn't working.

I mean it was clear and visible to others that I can actually do what I thought I couldn't do. They could see that I was so good at it, if not even the best at it but deep down I didn't believe it was so. I still felt Inferior. I did at various times try to hide different potentials that I possess, but then a little push from family and I'll try to showcase my talent and then when I start seeing people applauding it that's when I'll believe in that part of me. It was crazy, it's something I don't want to deal with again.

So seeing how far I've come today, I never did believe I'd come this far, to the extent of making money with the same potential I was scared of showcasing. To be a leader in my territory.

What's your definition of a fulfilled life?

Hmm. This question for me is very open and clear. It's been something I've known for a very long time. Right from teenage age.

My definition of a fulfilled life is a comfortable life (financially), a beautiful wife, a happy marriage with two or three kids, my own house, a car and a close relationship with God.

Nothing sweets me more than the thought of getting back to a peaceful home after a stressful day to your wife and kids ready to welcome you.

What's your biggest fear in life?

Not being able to give my kid the life they deserve. Not being able to provide for my family. Not being able to take care of my parents at their old age after all they've been through to train me to this level. Basically it feels like my life revolves around family. Because I'm a true believer of the family.

"If you're to change a thing in your life, what will it be?*

Quick to anger and lack of patience.

That's one part of me I don't like at all. I'm an introvert but the way I'm so quick to getting angry stuns me. Although I try my best not to show it because at that point I can say things I will regret later. But then the anger will make me lose interest in whatever we're doing at that point. So I'll rather walk away.

Also, I lack patience a lot. It's crazy how I'm still here on Hive patiently trying to build my blog and staying strong. I quickly lose patience if I know it'll take long. Trust me I'm working on both and hive should be a clear indication that I'm making progress. I pray it continues this way.

What can be your contribution to making the world a better place?

Love. Love . Love.

I can't emphasise it enough. Love is the greatest force to making the world a better place. Love it's all it takes. If we all love our neighbour as ourselves a lot of vices will end. Because, you don't hurt who you love, you don't think evil of who you claim to love.

So my answer still remains, Love!

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