Poor Nigerians


As economic hardships becomes a daily reality for us, everything being on the rise, food becoming even more expensive, the allure of quick riches also become more rampant in Nigeria
More and more schemes are being devised everyday to reap the poor masses of the little they have. Governments, fellow brothers, organizations are reaping fellow humans of their hard earned income.

Ponzi schemes have been designed to look very attractive and appealing while in reality it is more you look, the less you see. Their offer always appear too good to be true thus many fall into the trap.
The cleverest minds in the world are devising schemes and carrying them out in order to separate people from their money.


How do these people even feel when they take away what others worked hard for? Do they even think if it is the person's only means of survival.
I feel very bad for Nigerians, because things are very difficult in the country so a student may see such big offer and because he wants to complete his school fees decides to invest in an offer that he sees appealing and ends up losing everything he has...This is very sad!

I have been taught this: If you see an offer that is too good to be true, then probably it is!

There are variations of pyramid schemes, the usual style is that investors recruit other investors to receive a commission. Also the idea is that you keep striving to get to the top so that you start earning millions. There have also been more subtle ways that this is carried out, and when one is too desperate or easily deceived will fall into this trap.
Such schemes prey on the hopes and dreams of the poor.

The truth is Pyramid schemes always collapse because it is impossible to keep up the chain!

The results

These schemes always collapse and the results turns out very devastating. Families have been torn apart, dreams shattered, and futures are jeopardized. It toils with peoples financial and emotional health and leaves deep scars that may never fully heal!

These few ways I know will help us to avoid getting scammed

1. Avoid Greed
Many fall victim to these schemes due to greed. They want to make very huge and quick rewards in no time and with no effort. They even go as far as investing huge so they can double triple their money.

2. Avoid any offer that is too good to be true
It is dangerous to quickly believe advertising claims thinking that is different from the rest, That is what they'll always say.

3. Only do genuine businesses and make good research before going into it. True there are many fakes in the word but we should be careful to recognize the original.

4. Acquiring good skills and working hard doing what we know is very good: Keeping busy and succeeding in our business will make it less likely for us to look for Get rich quick schemes.

To be for-warned is to be forearmed, It's always good to recognize potential scams and protect ourselves from it.


If you are or have been a victim of such scam, do not feel ashamed or embarrassed about what happened. Anyone can be deceived, regardless of their intelligence, education, or financial status, I have also been a victim of this so I know how it feels. You just have to be careful next time and not let yourself be deceived!

Images generated using my prompt on playground.com


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