The Banker's Son 2 [Fictional stories]


Good afternoon naija, I promised you guys last week that I will be posting the second episode of this wonderful story soon and here I am, presenting it to you guys. Desmond is really stubbornness and rude and he lacks respect. Stay tuned as I begin the second episode immediately.

Episode 2

Few hours later, Mr.Ijarah came back from work and was shocked when his wife told him all the things that happened when he wasn't at home.

Mr. Ijarah became angry and dealt with Desmond, mercilessly, he was very shocked when he saw his own son challenging him into a physical fight.

Desmond wasn't able to succeed because his father is a man and Desmond is just an average teenager. They really fought had and Desmond went straight to his room feeling weak and angry.

Desmond and his sisters attends the same school. Their school is a very wonderful school with good teachers of high quality, their principal and teachers have been warning the students and pupils in the school not to leave the school premises until school is over.

Desmond has already decided to break this law of the school because this was also one of the school laws. During break period Desmond and his friend Jeush sneaked out of the school premises successfully and they begin to feel smart and excited.

"Now we can buy plantain chips", Desmond said while counting his money which is NGN2,000 as they hear straight to to plantain chips store.

"Yeah you are right", Jeush replied, smiling broadly.

"Why can't these people allow us to have freedom to leave the school premises to buy what we want to buy?", Desmond asked his friend.

"You mean the principal, headmasters and teachers?", Jeush asked.

"Yes they don't like giving us freedom.", Desmond answered.

"Hey!! Catch them!!", A man shouted, chasing the two boys with two other men running beside him.


"Run!!", Jeush shouted and ran away with Desmond.

"Why are they chasing us?", Desmond asked in fear, running as fast as he can.

"I don't know, they might be kidnappers.", Jeush replied in fear.

"We have to run fast, they will soon catch up with us", Desmond said, increasing his speed as much as he's capable of.

"Hey bro there's no need to do so, they are older than us and they can run more than us.", Jeush said

"You are right, they can catch us, I guess Is the results of our stubbornness and I think we should accept it", Desmond said, giving up the race.

"Yes Desmond I agree with you, and am very tired now, I don't think I can run any longer, we have even pass our school gate", Jeush said feeling weak.

Yes am also tired... what! Watch out!!", Desmond shouted as the men were now close to Jeush.


The three men finally caught one of them which is Jeush and one of the men began to chase Desmond.
"Hey you better stop running all else I kill you", The man who was chasing Desmond shouted fiercely.

Finally Desmond was caught as a result of being very tired and scared, the man took him to where his colleagues who were now beating Jeush up, they moved over to Desmond and gave him one of the worst beatings of his life. The men stole their money and ran away.

A good Samaritan saw Desmond and Jeush looking badly injured and took them to their school after noticing their school through the uniform they were wearing.

To be continued...


I hope you guys enjoyed the story, Desmond still disobeyed the school principal upon all the warnings. How do you guys feel the principal will react after hearing this news? Stay tuned as I continue the story soon. Thanks for reading.


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