The things i love about myself.

One of the things I truly value and love about myself is my health. I've always been grateful for how rarely I fall sick. In fact, the only illness that's really affected me from childhood until now is malaria.

I have often heard that people with AA genotype are more prone to malaria, but even when I get infected by, it doesn’t affect me for long. There have been times when I didn’t even take any medication, and I still recovered just fine.

Looking back, the last time I visited a doctor for something serious was about a year ago. And as for the last time I was admitted to a hospital? That was way back in high school, again due to malaria.

Since then, I haven’t had any major health issues, which is a blessing I don’t take for granted. As they say, "health is wealth," and staying healthy even in tough conditions is something I really do ppreciate about myself.

Another thing I have come to love about myself is my ability to not take things too seriously anymore. I wasn’t always like this—there was a time when I used to get angry easily and didn’t find humor in most situations.

But over time, I have matured and grown into someone who laughs more, stays happy, and doesn’t let uncomfortable situations get to me. I've learned to let go of the small stuff, but I still set boundaries, making sure people know where they stand with me. This is definitely one of the biggest areas where I've grown.

Lastly, I’m the type of person who never holds grudges. This is something I genuinely love about myself. I don't understand how people can hold onto grudges or keep malice—it’s just not in me. If i get upset, it’s usually because I’ve already spoken to the person multiple times and they refuse to listen and in most cases , i just let things go.

I remember this one friend I had in the hostel—he was my bunkmate, and he had this habit of cracking silly jokes, and he will often throw subtle insults and try to bring others down. I told him to stop a few times, but he didn’t listen or take to my words

Now, there was this day when we had an issue with the speaker we all used in the room, and it didn't charge-- the charging port developed fault. I immediately raised the alarm in the room so I wouldn’t get blamed for it, but my bunkmate started accusing me, thinking it was funny.

I couldn’t take it anymore and that was the breaking point for me. I told him everything i have been holding back—the way his so-called jokes were actually hurtful, how his constant need to put others down wasn’t funny but childish and foolish, and how i wouldn't tolerate his behavior anymore.

It actually felt good to finally say my mind, and after that, things changed between us, but i cared less. He got angry and he didn't talk to me for some days , but then the atmosphere in the room became much better. I don’t like holding grudges, so once I’d said my piece, I was done with. I normally express myself openly, clear the air, and move on. No need for bad energy or dragging things. That's just who I am, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

This is my entry to the #octoberinleo day 3 prompt. You can also participate by clciking here

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