Unlocking the Power of Shared Learning: A Study Technique

In my university days, I began the first year with a first-class score of 4.87/5.0. Many people thought it came from the knowledge of studies in my secondary school; because the first year in the university seems to be related to secondary school topics. Going further, I had a CGPA of 4.70/5.0 in the second year. What could cause this decrease? I wondered about this matter for days and strategically looked at the friends I keep, and the courses that seemed difficult for me. Finally, I discovered that I needed to change my study method. This new method sustained me till I graduated with a CGPA of 4.62/5.0. However, there were other factors I took into consideration, such as the companies I keep, attending tutorials, knowing where and when to read, etc.


Some people prefer the solitude of a quiet environment to read because that is where they gain focus and concentration. While others - like a few friends of mine - prefer reading in groups and discussing what they study. For me, my method is likely the combination of the two approaches because each of them has a respective role it plays in helping me to be efficient and retain faster.

Reading in a quiet environment

This is one of the strategies I held since I was in my senior secondary school; maybe because I am an introvert that is why it emanates from being alone. The new technique I introduce to this reading method is relieving myself by playing with my colleagues. Sometimes this moment of relief seems to be a sly action – according to colleagues; they see that I am done reading and I come to distract them. Actually, I didn’t mean that way; as much as I want to relieve myself, I also respect people’s moment of study.

In a quiet environment, I see myself gaining maximum concentration, and sometimes I get a deeper knowledge of what I am reading; in fact, there are moments I question the theories some scientists postulate while in the deep study – which means I allow my mind to be fully immersed in the material at hand. There is deep exploration and analysis when reading in a quiet environment, this environment is not necessarily meant to be a library; it can be a quiet open field. Personally, I sleep when I read in the library, but I read better when I am in the very quiet lecture hall; that is when I can absorb complex concepts (mathematic-related courses) at my own pace.

The Power of Sharing Your Study

Reading in a solitary place does not stay long in my brain unless I share the insight I studied with my colleagues, roommate, or friends. By discussing what I've read, I use the opportunity to ask my colleague what I did not understand. You know in the Nigerian system, you don’t need to understand some stuff, you can quote it and pour it on your examination paper. I have been in such a shoe, but to avoid that, sometimes, I ask a colleague to help me understand it better. This means sharing your study with others reinforces your understanding and enhances your ability to recall information thereby solidifying your learning.

You know everyone studying method differs, so you do what is best for you; but for those who prefer reading in solitude, sharing what they've learned with a friend or study partner (particularly your colleague) is very crucial in the learning process. To date, there are some physics formulas I can never forget because I have shared them with several people repeatedly. This is why I see children verbalizing what they are taught - it cements their understanding and commits the information to memory more effectively.

Enhancing Learning Through Collaboration

Just as the adage “Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are;” all the friends I had were studious; one of them was first-class like me. We must be selective in our choice of friends – choose wisely! In moments you feel like giving up, your friend will be there to encourage you; this means sharing what we've learned with a friend builds accountability and motivation. Knowing that I’ll be discussing the material with someone else, I ensure I read with greater focus and intentionality.

Collaboration is seen as an exchange of ideas, where each student brings their unique insights and perspectives to the table for discussion. By engaging in dialogue with others, we challenge our assumptions, expand our thinking, and uncover new avenues of studying.


To attain academic success, there is no particular approach to studying. Each student must discover the methods that work best for them. For those who can read in quiet environments, sharing what you learn can help enhance understanding and accelerate recall.
By combining the solitary focus of quiet reading with collaborating with others, students can utilize the full potential of their study sessions. Through dialogue, discussion, and collaboration, they deepen their understanding, broaden their perspectives, and enrich both their academic pursuits and their personal growth.

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