Fingers Crossed

I thought about what my perfect comeback would be. I mean, we can’t exactly call it a comeback as I’ve been absent for just about a week and a couple of days but trust me when I say that it feels like months since I was last here, doing what I’ve loved to do for the past year now.... writing on this chain.

This past week of absence has been exhilarating for a lot of reasons. I felt like I needed to rest, first off. I know people say it’s no big deal and that we need to do things at our pace but everyone started the year with all these elaborate goals. And while I never said I was going to post every single day of the year, there was still a lot of pressure as I watched others forging strong with their goals.

However, while I was still contemplating what my next line of action would be and whether or not I could afford to keep myself on this tight string, exams made the choice for me. I found myself faced with these really important examinations and with my relocation to school and everything, I just couldn’t. My preparations were intense and the exams in turn were gruesome, but I’m glad the preparation paid off. I mean I haven’t seen my results yet but I feel positive, that even with the few health challenges that came up, I was still able to give it my best shot.

In these past couple of weeks that I’ve been somewhat inactive, I have encountered things. You know when you’re so holed up with one aspect of your life that you’re more or less completely shut out of the other things happening around you? That’s how I felt. Since I wasn’t shut in with my phone, typing away on keys and lost to the ongoing happenings in my environment, I got to see life, and people in particular, on a more in-depth scale.

I do hope to share these things with you because while my schooling activities this year, especially, would take up most of my time, somehow, I’d like to think that I’ve built some kind of bond with this chain so that no matter how long I leave and how not so active I am, I would always want to come back. And I guess this particular thought is enough to keep me going. I’m smiling as I write this because once again, while writing, I’ve managed to motivate myself.

So I’m going to go a bit TMI here and say a few things. I mean, why not? While I realize that it’s not everything we can share here, no matter how much we want to(for the obvious reasons that it can come back to haunt us), I still feel that there are a few things we can say. To a great extent, I do take this place as my safe space so I’ll guess I’ll quit yapping and just get to it already.

For the first time in my life, I fixed full-on nails. The fact that I’d never fixed my nails was a personal choice of mine. Apart from the fact that I have moderately long nails and was content with simply painting them, I did and still do have a fear of the nails damaging my real ones. So, after my last exams, and in the spirit of trying new things, I got my nails fixed, cut it and everything to a length I felt I’d be comfortable with and I was pleased with the results at the end of the day.

Suffice it to say that I wasn’t prepared for what I faced. I couldn’t do just about anything. I hissed with frustration when I couldn’t don simple earrings on. When I got home to spend a few days with my family and my Mom announced the meal I would have for dinner, I couldn’t even help laughing. It was eba with soup( for anyone who isn’t conversant with this meal, you basically have to use your hands. All through).

Fast forward, I kind of got around it but the writing part seems to be more than I can handle. I mean I’m five times slower. Everyone is telling me that I’ll get used to it and I hope for a lot of reasons I do because I’ve felt like giving up thrice since I started writing. I know, I know.... why don’t I just take it off if it’s so bothersome? My answer is none other than the basic reason that if other ladies can do it, so can I. Lol

Anyway, I’ve gotten to the very limit of my typing capacity and I feel like my thumbs would fall off at any minute. Till next time, lovelies. Fingers crossed for a successful ..... everything that I’ve got planned for my future. Have a wonderful day.

Jhymi🖤....damn, I’ve missed typing this. Lol.

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