No financial help except some exception

Finance is the most important thing in anyone's life, and we are continuously making an effort for financial stability. Achieving financial stability is one of the most difficult things, and that's why sometimes people are forced to take the wrong path.

Again, we are humans and we are social beings. Humanity is the thing that makes us true humans, and helping others is a part of humanity. Help can be done in various ways, but most people need financial help most of the time. But each time it's not possible to provide financial help to everyone, as we also have limitations when it comes to finance. So having a limit when it comes to financial help is very important. It can help to determine when to help others and when not.

When it comes to finance, I am always serious, and I think 100 times before I give my money to others or spend my money. If anyone asks for financial help, I directly refuse because I don't believe anyone when it's about money. I have seen many cases, and I learned a lesson from them. The lesson is that my money is useful to me till it's in my hand. And when I give my money to others, I lose control immediately of my money, and there is no guarantee that I will get the money back.

But I am also human, and I also have some exceptions. So there are some cases where I give money to others even if I don't trust anyone completely in the case of money. Let's share about those exceptions.

Suppose any of my friends are facing trouble for medical expenses or arranging money at such a time is challenging, I am ready to help my friend without any kind of hesitation. I believe that people are helpless in hospitals, and it can be the most troublesome situation for anyone. I believe that no one is asking for financial help in such a situation just for wasting it. Who knows, my little money may help my friend get proper treatment. Besides, I think if my money can't help my friend in such a situation, it's useless to have money. I think I can't restrict myself from helping my friend in that case.

Although I have many friends but I don't communicate with everyone. With a few friends, I communicate on a regular basis, and for various purposes, transactions used to happen with them on a regular basis. I don't hesitate to help them in their crisis situation because I know them well and I communicate with them on regular basis. So sometimes I may take money from them, and sometimes I help them provide money. Based on past experiences, nobody keeps the money of others for so long. Not even a week. We are transparent and clear in case of transactions, and that's the reason we believe each other when it comes to money.

I know I have an iron heart, and I'm hardly influenced by my emotions when it's about money. I am totally heartless, and that's the reality for me. I never faced hunger for lack of money. I am thankful to my father for it. But I also know that everyone is not lucky like me. Many people suffer a lot for hungerness. When someone asks for money for food, I help them, especially the kids. But I don't give them money directly because I am well aware of the situation. Many kids buy harmful drugs using the money. So I directly buy food for them instead of giving money to them. I don't think I am helping them because I feel pity for them. I think I am capable of helping them, and that's why I do it sometimes. At least they can have good food for one time. That's all. I don't have any room for feelings in my heart. Maybe it's because I treat myself as a robot.

Those are the only exceptions for me. Except those, I think I don't give anyone a single penny to anyone. I am so harsh that I can refuse anyone, saying directly that I won't give them money even if I have.


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