Multitasking to save time

It's known to all that time is the most precious thing, and if we can make the best use of it, then the possibility of achieving success in any place increases naturally. That's true, and multitasking can allow us to do several things at the same time.

Multitasking can be effective based on the situation. If any task requires full and continuous attention, it's nearly impossible to multitask. In fact, trying to multitask during that time wastes more time of us. So, multitasking is not effective in every situation. I think I have seen the best multitasking system in the kitchen, which is usually done by my mother. She used to cut vegetables, cook food, and watch her favorite dramas at the same time. She can do everything so smoothly that sometimes it surprises me how she can do it because it's not easy for me to do so. It's her specialty, but I also have the specialty of multitasking. Let me share mine.

To be honest, I spend most of my time in front of my PC. Hive activity is the most important for me, and I always try to give more time to this platform as much as I can. So most of the time, I remain busy reading the posts of others and replying to those who commented on my post. In the middle of reading, sometimes I go to make some threads, as it also allows me to earn some Leo and communicate with many Hive users within a short time. I know about many updates related to Hive and the news.

Cryptocurrency has been a hot topic in recent times, and little or more everyone knows about it, as it's the future money of the future world. Aside from writing, I also do cryptocurrency trading. It's because I don't want to miss any opportunity to make money. I am not a day trader, but I always keep myself ready to grab any opportunity, like buying cryptocurrency in a crash and selling in a sudden pump. I always open three tabs where I observe 11 cryptocurrency charts continuously. After approximately 6 to 10 minutes of interval, I give a glance at those tabs to check if fluctuation occurs or not. I always keep myself ready to grab every single opportunity for the fluctuations I notice.

I am an active person on Telegram, and it's only because of airdrops and updates related to it. Right now, some trending airdrops are Hamsters Kombat, Tapswap, DOGS, Blum, etc. I am expecting something good from those airdrops, and I try my best to complete all the tasks. I finish most of the tasks for those airdrops at the same time. So that I don't need to give any additional time for it.

Do you know that in Hamster Combat, airdrop keys can be collected by playing games? Train Miner is one of the games, and I also play it to collect keys for the airdrop. The game is boring and time-consuming, but you may laugh to hear how I play it. After doing some upgrading and increasing the speed of the train, I play the game using my feet 😅. I just need to keep a finger of my feet to run the train. After that, I focus on my other tasks, and I just collect keys when it provide to me in the games.

I hope you get my system of multitasking. I became used to it, and I am still doing the same.


If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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