I wanna revisit a memory

In life, ups and downs are very natural things. Sometimes some moments were painful and we wanted to forget, and there were some beautiful moments that made us happy. Whenever we pass a busy time, we have no time to remember about the past, but sometimes we look back to our past. It can be possible if we have free time or some other things that remind us about the past. It can be the beautiful one or the painful one, depending on what reminded us about it.

Humans are emotional, and most of the time they think about their painful past. Thinking about this painful past always triggers our brains and makes us sad easily, which has an impact on our present activities. I think we should not remember about the painful past if that's creating a bad impact on our present time, but we can remember the past as a lesson that can make our present and future better. We should try to remember about the beautiful past that can inspire us to move forward by boosting our energy. I don't know why people still choose to think about painful memories. Maybe people try to show themselves and be happy, and that can be the possible reason for it. But I am different, and I try to remember about my beautiful memories. And today I'm going to share the most beautiful and happy memories of my life.

I think many of you already know that I'm from those categories who love to travel to beautiful places, have adventures, and explore nature. In search of beauty, I'm ready to spend my money, and I think it's worthy, at least for me. Whenever I explore a new place, I become curious to know more about it, and it's the suspense of searching beautiful places, and in the end, I become satisfied as well as happy. So if there is any chance to enjoy the same moments, I would love to choose memories related to adventure or tour, and it must be the tour of visiting Saint Martin Island.

Saint Martin Island is one of the most beautiful places in my country. In fact, I think it's the most beautiful because, based on my experience, I haven't seen anything more beautiful than Saint Martin Island. I visited once there and stayed 4 days, and believe me, those moments were magic moments for me.

I visited the place for my field trip with my friends and professors during the first year. We were in a learning phase, and our professors were there to instruct us. It was indeed a tough time for us because the professors were strict. Instead of it, we made the time to explore the beauty of Saint Martin Island. In the daytime, we played on the beach, swam on the shore, and did cycling on the beach. We spend quality time with friends. We enjoyed the beautiful sunset each day.

After sunset, we need to do group study, and till we finish dinner, you need to stay in the cottage. According to the instruction of the professor, we needed to sleep at 11:00 p.m., but after the professor went to sleep we went outside of the cottage, and we needed to go outside of the cottage by crossing the boundary wall as the gate was closed before at 11:00 p.m. in the time in the night we went to the beach for walking. The roar of the waves was very fearful, but I felt the sound was amazing. The experience of the nighttime was truly exciting.

There we needed to wake up early to collect some data. In the early morning, we could see fog here and there as it was the winter season. The morning beauty is also enough to touch anyone's heart.

I didn't get a second opportunity to visit, but still, I can clearly remember each moment I spent on Saint Martin Island. So if I have a chance to experience anything from the past, then I would love to experience the memories of Saint Martin Island.


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