The Unsung Heroes


Hello everyone, glad to be back here, April's monthly #inleo challenge was a bomb, and it finally came to an end, for those of us who weren't aware or couldn't join no worries, the May edition is here again, strap your seat belts, snd get ready to have an amazing time.

Today is already the 4th day, don't say I didn't tell you lol, join in and experience the ride with us.

First responders

These are individual who risk their lives to respond to crisis and emergency situations, while others run away from these chaotic situations, these unsung heroes rush towards the scenes of the emergency to stand as a shield, to buffer the situation, to protect individuals and save lives.


First responders are usually the first to respond to emergency situations, they are more or less the first people we call when there's a fire accident, when there's a car accident, or a criminal or terrorist attack, also in the cases of natural disasters like floods, earthquake, name any emergency you can think of, these individuals are always ready to rush to the scenes of these emergencies.


With their profession, comes the need to respond swiftly and timely, a moment's delay could be fatal, hence the reason why they are trained to respond swiftly and decisively. They are trained to make calculated decisions, prioritize situations, more like think of which situation requires immediate attention as opposed to some that could be delayed a bit without any harm done. Imagine being in a fire accident scene, and then seeing a child and it's mom being trapped in the fire, the fire fighter has to make the decision of whom to save first, if saving the both of them is possible, how does he go about it, and he/she just has that moment to make these life altering decisions.

As important as prompt response to emergencies is, the place of preparedness cannot be overemphasized, there is need for all of our first responders to be prepared at all times and ready to spring into action once the need arises.



There was a recent incident in my hometown, where a tanker exploded, and there wasn't swift response from the fire fighters, this led to the death of many people, properties where also destroyed as a result of the incident. Hence the reason preparedness is a very crucial part of the responsibilities of these first responders.

The government should also be willing to provide the necessary resources for these first responders, to enable them carry out their duties efficiently, we all can agree that without adequate resources, a job wouldn't be done as efficiently as if the resources needed were provided, because there is little or nothing these individuals will be able to do if they lack the most basic resources to carry out their jobs.

Finally, I personally feel that these first responders aren't given the much appreciation they deserve, they risk their lives all the time and yet they aren't appreciated, most of them are even underpaid, not minding what they have to go through just so we can live comfortable lives, just so we can be safe. These are the real MVPs, they are the unsung heroes, and I personally think their dedication, sacrifices, resilience should be celebrated and also awarded, because it takes courage and a heart for humanity to venture into these professions.


A minute of tribute to all our front liners and first responders, you guys rock, we're grateful for the work you do, we see and appreciate the work that you do, thank you for putting us firstšŸ„‡


Once again if you haven't joined in the #mayinleo challenge, wait no more, jump right in, for more information, check here

Thank you for stopping by.
Your favorite author @fredaa

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