My First Flight Experience


Hello Hiveans it's a beautiful new week, hope y'all are doing good.
Well for this week's prompt, Hivenaija has given a very interesting topic to talk about, so here it is

Write about your first experience with something significant (e.g., Voting, traveling solo, public speaking, etc).

I believe we all have had so many firsts, but there are some firsts that usually stand out, that when you look back, you begin to laugh and wonder why you felt the way you did, more like it might feel silly how you actually responded or handled the situation.

So I'll be talking about my first time on a aeroplane, the mere thought of the whole situation right now is making me laugh sooo hard.

Well I had just finished writing my Senior School Certificate Exams, it was quite stressful, and usually how it goes is that we get to finish the exam on time before the rest of the school starts theirs. So once we're done with the exams, we can actually stop coming to school for the time being until it's time for the graduation ceremony.

So while I was at home, at first it was fun, having to stay at home and not wake up so early to go to school was bliss, but after sometime, members of my family (my parents in particular) wanted to finish me with chores, Elfreda you're not going to school right, can you help run to the store to get groceries, can you help make lunch as well, can you help go deliver this parcel to my friend. I became so tired and exhausted from the whole elongated break, here I was expecting to have the time of my life,but the opposite was happening. I began hoping to find a way to escape the whole episode.

My prayers got answered one day when my aunty called my dad and asked that I come spend the holiday/break with she and her family at Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria, when I got this news, I was so excited, it felt like an answered prayer, I began immediately to pack my bag not thinking of anything whatsoever ever.

The thing is that I live in Port Harcourt, which is like in the Southern part of Nigeria, and Abuja was a little to the North, and I hadn't been there before, so I had mixed feelings, I was both excited and also a bit jitterey of having to travel all the way down there.

By road it's between a 11 - 12 hour drive, while by air it's just about 50 minutes. So my aunt paid for my ticket to come over, I was so excited that I would be getting on the plane, as this was the first time I would be flying on a plane, so I also had a little bit of dread at how the experience was going to turn out, as I had heard so many tales.

So the Dday gradually drew near until it finally came, my dad had to drop me off at the gate of the airport, he had to run off because he had an urgent task to attend to, he bade me goodbye and left. I had to go through all of the clearance and the rest by myself, this was where the ordeal started from.

When I got inside the airport, I looked around and round until I was able to find the ticketing stands, I walked up there and was able to clear up my self without so much of a hassle. We were asked to wait as the flight was not ready to leave yet, I didn't know what way to go to get to the waiting area, I had to approach an elderly looking man and explained my situation to him that I was trying to find the waiting area, he said he was also going there that I should just follow him. He knew immediately that it was my first time, because he had to ask me.

By the time we boarded the plane and were about taking off, I began praying so heavily and asking God not to let us crash, then at some point, there was this feeling in my ear that made me so uncomfortable, I almost screamed, but I had to comport myself.


While still on the flight, there was a slight turbulence, at this point I was almost crying, asking myself who sent me, I began praying again and committing the whole flight into God's hand promising God that if he saved me I would serve him better, there was nothing I didn't pray about that day. Finally the turbulence subsided and we continued our journey.


When I got down, I began laughing at myself and recounting all the drama I acted to my aunty, we both had a good laugh and she advised that I remain calm in such an event and I thanked her.

Remembering the whole situation is usually a funny one, right now, I'm no longer that novice, I can navigate my way around the airport, and I've learned to keep calm whenever there's any disturbance.

So yeah, that was my first experience with flying in an aeroplane, this is my entry to the #Hivenaija weekly prompt.

Thank you for stopping by🥰

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