A Call call to Nigeria Youths: Consider Vocational skills over Degrees


I am sitting at mechanic workshop while typing this piece. As watch the mechanic guy fixing the cars one after the other, with thousands of Naira being paid for each of them, I keep wondering how much this guy makes a day with so many cars in waiting. This is a guy that most of us who pride ourselves as graduates would address as "ordinary mechanic." But this guy is better placed in life than so many graduates I knew, including my humble self.

As a Nigerian who graduated 15 years ago, I have experienced what follow after graduation. For five good years after graduation, I searched tirelessly for a job, but with no success. It was like no matter how good on paper my qualifications look, they just didn't matters in the real world.

As I got frustrated from job hunting, I finally decided to take matters into my own hands and started a business. As I look back over a decade of experience, I can tell anyone that degree alone isn't a guarantee to success in life. Universities can teach you theory, but they often fall short in equipping you with practical skills.

Had I learned vocational skills after high school, I admit that I could be better placed in life than I am today. That's why I am encouraging every youths, if you have got 4 years, don't waste them on a degree that might not help you in the future. Learn vocational skills and you can set yourself up for success. Let me outline why vocational education is the smarter course, based entirely on what I have seen and experienced.

University degrees problem in Nigeria

Now it's not just that the certificate doesn't represent practical competence, the bigger problem is that there certainly not enough jobs available compared to the number of graduates that are leaving school each year.

Year after year our government fail to create new job opportunities to absorb the masses of school leavers. The few vacancies that exist are fought over by millions of graduates every year. No wonder it took me 5 years to get interviews that went nowhere.

And in case you have the connection to get the job, the salary is a comic story. Most employers benefit from how desperate graduates are by offering hungry wages. Is it any wonder that able-bodied youth are leaving the country in droves?

Our scenario is further aggravated by the loss of a direction from those in power. If the government invested in the development of industry and the encouragement of the private sector, perhaps the prospects for activity would not be so dismal. But they let us down.

Benefits of learning vocational skills

While I wasted years of suffering after university, I saw many of my peers who had discovered from their trades early on living fulfilling lives. Those who trained as welders, auto mechanics, hairdressers and so on. I shouldn't have waited for a job that could never come.

Immediately after completing their professional applications, some were hired by workshops owners and others used their skills to open their own small organizations. Before they knew it, they were self-sufficient and financially solid in their early twenties.

Meanwhile, I turned into wandering the streets with my worthless degree and got fat from all the idleness. If I had known then what I know now, I definitely could have chosen a skill driven career path.

Craftsmen are usually in demand anywhere, as repairs and maintenance will always be in demand. Unlike degrees, professional skills can get you outside Nigeria if you choose to work overseas. And the earning power is exorbitant, I have seen welders who earn more than graduates.

Recommended specific skills

Based on what I've witnessed happening to others in this complex financial system, here are some skills I highly recommend becoming knowledgeable about:

Automobiles mechanic

I seldom pass a week without having my car or a family friend vehicle in need of service. There are not many mechanicals in town. Mechanics are so few, but very much in demand.

Electrical work

From fixing home wiring to maintaining generators, electricians can earn a stable living right here. Power supply problems are already too common for us to analyze this alternative.

Welding & Fabrication

All the construction happening means endless opportunities for welders. I've seen simple fabricators owning fleets of trucks.


Hair, nails, and beauty are always in fashion. Stylists can make a killing, and it's easier to make it in this trade than other vocational trades with long term training.

Fashion Design

With our vibrant culture, fashion will never go out of style. Learn to make quality clothes and accessories and watch clients flock to you.

Quality and Potential of Vocational Training

If you dedicate four quality years to vocational study, you'll gain expertise that can rival international standards. I've seen products from Nigerian welders, chefs and designers that are on par with top brands abroad.

With focus and passion, it's very possible to become the best in your field. You might even surpass the quality of imported goods with time. Our training facilities may not be world-class yet, but don't limit your potential.

Strong Call to Action

Nigerian youth, I urge you to seriously consider vocational skills along with university degrees if you must go to a university. Our education system may push you down one path, but you have the power to choose your own future.

If you spend the next four years mastering a trade, I guarantee you won't end up roaming the streets jobless like I did. You will be financially independent, respected in your field of work, and enjoy many opportunities both home and abroad.

Don't believe what the word says that some profession are better than others.We need skilled professionals from all walks of life to build this nation. So if you have a passion and work ethic, any career path can take you far.

It's time we stop following the crowd and start forging our own destinies. So if you are still deciding what to do after secondary school, I advise exploring vocational institutes instead of automatic enrollment into university. Your future self will thank you.

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