Success and failure in side jobs

Making money is one of the biggest concerns we humans have, and this has led us to have different sources of income. Most of the time, we have another side job that we do just to aid the one we do because the funds we make aren’t enough. Hello, hive-naija, my name is Fashtioluwa, and I welcome you to my blog.


Growing up, I learned a lot of trades, which made it easy for me to pick different kinds of side jobs. Before I talk about the successful side job I did, I'd like to talk about the one that failed woefully.

My dad is an electrician engineer, and he is very good at his job. While I was growing up, he made sure I learned how to wire the house. In the house we live in currently, my dad and I did the wiring. I learned how to fix fans, sockets, lamp holders, and some other basic electrical jobs. I became so good at it that my mom started sending me to her friend's house to fix their electric issue. One day, a man was packing out of his house, and he needed someone to help me remove most of the electrical appliances he bought, so I offered to help. After I was done, he asked, “How much is your money?” And that was when the idea struck my head. I can make money from this.

I was actually teaching as my main job, so what’s wrong with doing some electrical work for people and making extra? I made a signpost saying “Electrician available here” and put it at the front of our house. My mom rejected the idea, but I wouldn’t let anyone stop me.

One day, after I got back from work, a man called me because he needed someone to help him with his electrical issue in his house. When I got to his house, I encountered electrical problems. At first, I felt like it was something I could do, so I started working. Every turn I made was wrong, and the wires were so interwoven that I don’t know which is which; all I was seeing was red, black, green, yellow, and some other wire colour I hadn’t seen before. I tried pulling out a wire to confirm if it was the faulty one, and then I saw myself in the air. Oh My God. The wire shocked the living breath out of me. I have never felt electrocuted in my life before. I stood up, picked up my dad's equipment, and then went home. That was the last time I tried working as an electrician. I removed the signpost too.

Successfully side hustle.

One of the side hustles I did that was very successful was giving my phone out for games. Ok, all side hustles are side hustles, right? This year, video games were popular, and a lot of boys wanted to play football games. That year I had an Android phone with PES football games on it, so I usually rent my phone out to boys to play. There is a token to be paid per match. The line was always so long, and I would just sit down and watch them troop into my home, saying they wanted to play a game. Ok, pay up and play your game. I made so much money that I wanted to open a game centre, but my dad was against the idea. I might have become a millionaire if I had continued on that path.

Anyway, thanks for reading. I do appreciate all comments and upvotes. Much love from me to you.

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