Some Pet Peeves That Changes My Facial Expression

The world has evolved so much that we need to communicate with one another for us to live a fulfilled life because we humans are created to be sociable, but we cannot be perfect in every way, which is what makes us human. I will share with you some of the pet peeves that prick me every single time I see or come into contact with them. For those who don’t know what a pet peeve is,

something that a particular person finds especially annoying.


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The first pet peeve is a stubborn child. I get that children will be children, and that can be pretty annoying, but there are some things kids will do, and when you correct them, they will refuse to take the correction. Its more like they want to challenge your authority or see the worst you can do. Sometimes, I wish I could take the child indoor for some quick indoor correction if the parents were around. The one that blows my mind is when you stop a child from doing something wrong, they start crying. “ Like why are you crying? No, tell me why you are crying after I stop you from throwing bread inside the pool.” It's a pet peeve for me.

Another one is something that many people can relate to, especially people who live in Lagos City. This is driving slowly in a fast lane when the road is free. This is mostly done by public buses (Danfo buses). They are so quick to change lanes, especially when they see a potential passenger, they tend to slow down real quick without minding who is behind them. "Bro, please just stay in the service lane; I want to get home on time.☹️

Another pet peeve about riding is a driver pressing its horn when there is a traffic jam. You can literally see the car in front of me is not moving, so why are you pressing your horn? Just fly with your car or drive over me. The horn pressing when we are in a traffic jam is a pet peeve for me.

The pet peeve I find at home. I am free, pressing my phone and also doing nothing, then my mom walks by to where I am sitting just to say, “You are always pressing your phone. I hope you are not doing yahoo yahoo.” “Allow this phone to rest; you are always pressing your phone, this is why you fell sick the last time.” But mommy, I am a blogger and a content creator on Hive; please let me just be. Immediately I give such a reply or say something like "It's my phone and not yours" then here comes the advising mommy. I will get all kinds of advice in this world and how Satan is capturing youth through the pressing of phone.

Ok, this is where I am going to stop, so it won’t look like my own is too much. The last part is talking while eating in a public place (a restaurant). Like, how do you do it? Please just eat your food in peace, drink water, and then discuss whatever you want to discuss. "Yum, yum, yum, how are you? Yum yum yum, yes yes, I will cvll yvu liter." Sometimes, I do feel like standing up and screaming at the person.

Anyway, those are some of the pet peeves I have. Thanks for having me.

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