Insights into the Causes and Effects of Competitive Sibling Relationships

When siblings begin to have hatred for themselves then the parents are not doing their jobs at all, which means they failed as parents, the duty of a parent is not just providing food for the family but always making the right impact for your children, when there is the rivalry between the children then the parents need to redirect their path.


I have never had any experience of rivalry between my siblings because we were nurtured with love and how to live in peace and harmony with each other, my parents love us equally even though they have their favorite child among the children but they will never make it obvious to us, this is what is causing rivalry among most siblings in this generation.

A few years back I went to visit my sister and I had the opportunity to spend a few weeks with her, I saw the way she treated the children and the way her husband treated them as well, she gave birth to three girls and the husband loves the first child like no other, the first child is literally the apple of his eyes and I noticed enemity between the children.

When talking about smartness and intelligence the first daughter belongs to that class while the second child is an average student not too smart but not dull, she is someone who is very quiet and humble but the first daughter always rubs it on her face that she is not as good as she is and their parents never correct that statement from her, I noticed this for some days and I had to call my sister to orders, I made her realized that she is causing problem among her children because they will grow to become an enemy.

I talked to her about what I noticed and she kept a blind eye and ear to the matter, the father always pampered the first daughter and always bought things for her more than the other child, this has been going on since they were little and now they are mature but they will never share things.

The second daughter is very close to me and always tells me how she despised her sister because of her behavior, she never has an atom of respect for her or loves her as a sister, they will always fight in the house and never want to see each other progress.

Now my sister is complaining about the way they behave to each other, the way they hate one another and now she is finding a way to make them love each other which is already late, the second daughter is just a green snake under the green grass, she will not say anything but deep inside her, she is thinking of how to bring her sister down.

I told my sister that she had failed as a parent even the husband did not help the matter at all, he kept on showing love to the elder sister and neglected the second child, this is not how to build a proper family, never love one child over another, and let them have equal rights in the house because growing up the second daughter has the mentality that they hated her because she is not as smart and intelligent as the elder sister so she always has bad feelings for her sister.

Being a parent is not a simple task, we must know how to make our children love each other and never be one-sided, always love them equally and guide them in the path of God depending on your religion, and never let one child feel inferior because of the love you are showing the other one, they deserve equal love and equal treatment from their parents.


As a parent when you perform your duty diligently then you will always be at peace, now my sister BP is always on the high side because she will have to shout and separate fights every minute, this is because she failed to train the children in love and with love.

Sibling rivalry can cause bitterness, envy, and even permanent emotional scars and this is mostly caused by upbringing, the way our parents nurture us and train us speaks more about our bond.

This is my entry for day 6 of the #mayinleo prompt of the #inleo initiative, if you'd love to participate, you can read about it in the announcement post


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