Shame On Me

I have been thinking about the numerous embarrassing moments I've had in my life to use for this week's prompt, but I can't just seem to find the one that got me the most.
Was it the time I forgot the entire speech I practiced for a debate competition back then in high school?

Or was it the time I forgot my transport fare , only to get to the bus stop and be thoroughly embarrassed?

Oh, I think I got it now

So there was this one time I was living with my aunt. She was way past 70 then and due to her health condition, she had some food restrictions limiting her from eating certain things to avoid a trigger.

That's not even the point.

The point is, she had an endless supply of ground soybeans and powdered milk which she uses to accompany her breakfast every morning. She also had two sizeable containers she uses to store the both goodies, always kept on the table in her room. That's when I remembered we are advised to take a glass of milk everyday. At times, I'll only have to scoop some milk for my glass, other times I'll add some ground soybeans too just to experiment.

Luxury or nothing

During that time I had this habit of midnight snacking. I'm a late-nighter so basically, I'm always the last to go to bed. I stay up with my cousins binge watching series or maybe chatting with friends till I can't no more.

Bad habits, I know.

Back to this midnight snacking of a thing. I would always sneak into my aunt's room when she's busy sleeping and snoring to take that milk container for my little tea and bread party with cousins.

Oh, you thought midnight snacking is about chips and fries?
You were not informed.

I was the one who taught them how to do that. Of course, she won't notice anything in the morning because we always made sure to leave no tracks. Well, sometimes she'll complain that the quantity of her milk is going down faster than normal and we'll just find one silly excuse to cover up. Probably telling her that the producers are no longer filling up the packs as they normally do, or even telling her to reduce the quantity she scoops for her every day breakfast.

Whichever excuse comes in handy first

Fast forward to the part of the story where nemesis caught up with me. The holidays were over and my cousins journeyed back to their homes. I continued with my routine of sneaking in and stealing milk and soybeans from my aunt's room.

You know what they say?
"Everyday for the thief, one day for the owner"

On that fateful night, I was watching this interesting movie and the time for my usual snacking came. I made my way to my aunt's room, making sure not to shuffle my feet or even knock over things so I won't wake her. I also made sure to hear those snores before going over to the table. I took the both containers of goodies, went over to the kitchen , took my cup and spoon. We always had hot water in one portable water flask then so I was covered. And yes, I also took the bread that had been bought during the daytime, it hasn't even gone halfway because it was only just few slices that had been taken out.

I carried all that stuff to the living room and you needed to see the way I arranged everything on top of the center table. It was like I was about to do a display of my culinary masterpiece. I had my tea and bread to my satisfaction like it was nobody's business. As expected, I supposed to return everything to their rightful positions and clear up my tracks. But no, I decided to wait till I finished the movie I was watching before clearing up the whole thing.

My brothers and sisters, that's how I slept off in the living room with all my culinary masterpiece on the center table till the next morning.

Imagine a criminal sleeping at the crime scene with all possible evidences set up for the detective

If I were a detective coming for this case, I wouldn't even waste a breath. Straight to jail!

I'm not only pained that I slept off, I was more pained that I couldn't even wake up early to fix my mess before my aunt wakes up and notice. I was lying on that couch sleeping and dreaming away to an unknown fairytale land. Not knowing that my aunt was just sitting directly opposite, looking at both me and my culinary display speechlessly. She had to call me many times to get me up from my slumber. I woke up drowsily and that was when it hit me. I couldn't even look her in the eye, I was just rushing to clean up my mess

But, it was too late
I'm going to jail.

First she spent hours and hours scolding me and reminding me of all the headaches I have caused her since we started living together. Next, she called her children and reported me and of course, don't forget the neighbours too. She told the ones who were concerned enough to listen.

You know aged people and how much they love talking about things.

I would never forget that day in a hurry. It makes me laugh now but it wasn't funny then. Anyways I brought it upon myself, I had to live with it and thank goodness it's all memories now. We move on.

Thanks for reading!
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