Nothing Short Of A Superpower.

I don't know about anyone else but I feel like multitasking counts as a superpower. Infact, it'll have a very special spot decorated with flowers and butterflies in my CV because why not? How is someone able to do different things at a particular and not assume the hero or heroine title? Nah, you should wear that cape, honestly. In a world where everything appears to go zoom zoom, multitasking is a skill that can actually help you level up, you know, one step ahead. But don't be carried away though, there are levels to this multitasking thing.

Multitasking is not just about doing a lot of things at the same time, or being everywhere at once. We all know they say "Jack of all trades...? Master of none." Exactly, you're on point. It about effectively organising yourself so you can be able to handle some certain tasks at the same time. Note that I said 'some', not 'everything'. You can't do everything at once, that's a fact and that is why you should know the system of multitasking that works for you.

For me I love the approach of doing similar things at the same time. I never go wrong with that method, it works every single time. Previously, I started with the trial and error method so to say. Having something boiling in the kitchen, then you're seeing me somewhere inside trying to get the room in shape or even sweeping and doing a lot of other things. That actually works sometimes depending on what's boiling but not every time. There has been moments where I got carried away and forgot I have something on fire, only to meet a burnt offering that even the gods will be disappointed at.Hehehe.

So after figuring out that it doesn't work always, I came up with a new strategy. To do related things at the same time. Let's still use cooking as an example, you know, I love cooking but don't worry, you might not relate and it's fine. As I was saying, I used to focus on the cooking activity so much that I always leave other things pending till I'm done. By the time I might have finished,I'm already tired and it leave the kitchen messy for some time. That was then, fast forward to now, when I have a pot boiling, I don;t sit and wait. I use the time to probably do the dishes, arrange the kitchen, keep the wastes in the right places and all that so when my food is done, my kitchen is also sparkling,muah!.

Another instance is when I'm so excited to watch a movie and I remember that a lot of my clothes needs to be folded. I simply get the whole clothes and fold them while my eyes is on the screen, period. I have a cousin that loves doing random things when he's on a very serious business call that might take a lot of time. You'll see him arranging his library shelf, or fixing his daughter broken toy or something like that, his hand are always busy. One time, he accidently pulled all the buttons on the remote control.

The point?

Engaging in different activities that are somewhat similar and requires the same level of focus can be a great way to multitask. You don't give your brain so much work thinking about different things at the same time, therefore you'll hardly mess things up even if you're doing a lot. This has helped me so much in being productive and managing the little time I have so well. You can try that if you haven't already and trust me, you will go from here to here, somebody say yeah yeah. I borrowed that line from one of these funny guys on Tiktok. And before I forget, why'd you think smart devices let you split your screen to work on two things at the same time? Because, they know you might have the need to do that, so if you multitask effectively, it shows that you're a really smart person, go forth and conquer and wear that cape! You're a Hero.

Applause please.

Images are mine

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