SUBLIME SUNDAY SHOTS : Happiness Is Free!!!....

Hello beautiful people its another wonderful sunday here and i'm really excited about it cause a lot will be unfolding this coming week so stay tuned.

Its a sublime sunday here in the fresh ever green and clean city of uyo, Nigeria, the sun is pretty high and interchangeably humid somehow, but thats perfect so it doesn't scotch right?....

It was rather a short service today, cause of the main event at the heasquarter church, after all that we decided to take some sunday shot, and this was really awesome, i felt for a moment true happiness, i felt free and good, like all that burden me was taking care of, really i don't know if its from the sermon, and how the preacher almost directed the message at me or how our eyes kept coming in contact and it felt i had told him what's burden me or if he caught all of it through our eyes contact whatever i am glad for a split of second i forgot about al my worries and troubles.

The weekend wasnt really a pleasant tho cause of all the series of things going on in my life at the time, it was really troubling and disturbing, but all thats taken care of, you know one of the key scriptures the preacher kept going back to was phillipians 4:6 which says be anxious for nothing but in everything through prayer and supplications with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God, then he adds mathew 6:27, How many of you by worrying can add an hour to his life?...huh?....i realise then that its not worth it, killing myself over what i can't change, what will be will be, just not so relaxing and leaving everything to fate and chance, taking responsibility for every outcome of my life has been what i know how to do best, which is why when things go south i get troubled alot.

HAPPINESS IS FREE: so why worry if its amount to nothing, there is a big difference between worrying and thinking the later dwells in the past wishing something better would have been done to avert the now consequence while the former is more of the future what to do better now, foreward thinking approach to Correct what has been done, taking charge and control of the situation to advantage, not dwelling in self pity, manned up take responsibility and seek for solution amidst the chaos.

Happiness is free: people worry alot due to loss of control over a particular thing, it could anything, if what they plan Failed, or something go wrong they become anxious about a lot of things one which is self-doubt, emotional trauma, self-pity, low self-esteem and lots of regrets, but if there is that reassurance of something better, strategic thinking, planning and effective engaging of what was planned on, over turning the bad situation to something better and choosing to live above the current situation is choosing Happiness to live life to the fullest not counting the wrongs, the regrets, the mistakes, the foolish decisions and choices one has made over the course of time,...

Happiness is Free, take as much as you can, its the food of the soul

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