Siblings' Rivalry brings division in the family

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Hello beautiful people, Happy Monday and Happy New Week. It's been a while since I participated in the #inleo daily prompt and so, today according to the prompt for today, I will be talking about; "Sibling Rivalry, experienced firsthand, witnessed, or seen in fiction".

It's quite rare to see a family of two or three have siblings rivalry, especially if their parents are intentional about the well-being and state of their children, they make sure to watch and address issues, and conflicts between their children while they are still young, to avoid rivalry between their children. Sibling rivalry does not just happen, it starts when the kids are still young, and if not worked on by the parents could continue till they are older and could result in hatred, jealousy, and conflict that will linger till they are old and may even be extended to their children and their children after.

For most who do not start the rivalry when they are young, the most we see that can cause sibling rivalry at an older age could be a fight for ownership of land, jealousy because one is doing better than the other, and maybe parents' favouritism. While some could just be natural hatred, sometimes they may not have any reasons why there is a rivalry going on between siblings but because we are humans, I believe that we most times develop hatred even for those who have not even hurt us.

Years back, I witnessed a rivalry between my mom's two younger siblings and as I watched them, I prayed in my heart, never to have a firsthand of such between myself and my younger ones or between the both of them because I know the separation that has happened between the two brothers because of that even up till today.

The youngest one of them all had a long-standing hatred for the other one because according to him, the brother shouldn't have sent him back to their village while the wife's brother stayed put with him and his family in the city.

He felt even though he was rebellious and always causing a lot of havoc at home with his wife and in the little community they lived in, the brother should have pardoned him and let him be, regardless.

The older one didn't know what was going on in his brother's heart until due to some circumstances he had to return to the village with his family.

One of those days, the older one went to ask for financial help from his younger one, although it took a lot of pleading before the younger one was able to help his older brother but on a loan, the brother accepted and got the money because it was an emergency and time for refunding was fixed.

The brother had to work his butt out to be able to pay off the debt he owed the brother but notwithstanding, things did not go as planned, so he could not pay off the brother like earlier planned.

One morning, the younger created a scene outside their company the brother couldn't pay him back the money when due even after the brother had begged him to be patient with him, those around begged him to let his older brother go, that he was going to pay back but he refused and held on to the collar of his neck calling him all sort of names.

This resulted in a brutal fight between the two brothers as the older brother couldn't stomach anymore the disgrace and name-calling from his younger brother, the young brother even went on to mock the brother of his current predicament and also went on to tell the brother how much he hates him because he went him back to the village.

Although nobody listened to him because everyone knew the truth, they were separated but both of them had serious injuries that lasted for weeks. The older brother was able to finish paying all his younger brother's debt but both siblings are no longer on talking terms till today.

Thank you for reading!!!

I invite @beckyroyal to participate in the daily prompt for May. Here is the link

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