Miracles Do Exist


A few years back, in 2018 precisely, I was returning from work when I had this minor accident, I did call it minor back then and still call it minor today. It was an incident with a vehicle that was trying to pack the goods of traders who were traveling back to their state/city. They come down to my city to sell their wares in our big market which happens once every week and when they are done selling, they pay for a vehicle that takes all of them back to their state or wherever they came from.

So, that evening, when I got to the place where the vehicle was parked, the driver had finished putting all their goods in the vehicle and was trying to arrange the seat back init the vehicle so the traders could sit. At that moment, I passed, he picked up one of the seats and the leg of the seat mistakenly scratched me on my left leg. Although I screamed as a result of the effect, he apologized and I continued my journey back home.

It was just a scratch, not a tear, and no blood of any sort, so I felt I had nothing to worry about, in fact, it didn't take more than five minutes when the pain subsided and that was the end of the incident story. Since it was no big deal, I didn't see any reason to take precautions or tell anyone about the incidents.

So, I forgot about whatever happened that fateful day and wasn't conscious enough to check my leg, just maybe if I had done my due diligence, I would have noticed when my leg started taking another form but until few weeks later, I got the shock of my life, my leg became swollen and I had a wound sitting on that same spot the vehicle seat had scratched me previously.

So, I had to visit a clinic, I was asked a few questions and at the end of the day, I was told that I had gotten an infection from the vehicle seat that scratched me called TETANUS. I explained to them that it was just a scratch and I didn't see any blood, that was why I didn't see any reason to treat myself but I was told that was the more reason I should have gone to the hospital to get an injection or medication immediately that incident happened.

I didn't know and even when they were telling me about it, I didn't think too much about whatever was happening to me, so I started treatment, took injections, and was given some tablets to help ease the pain and dry up the wound, to also help fight the infection fast.

A few weeks later, I was done with all the medication given to me by the doctors but my leg wasn't getting better, it got worse instead, and the wound continued to open more, making it an eyesore for everyone who came closer to me. I made sure to go to my doctor every morning for cleaning every day before I went to work but nothing was happening.

It turned into months, from one hospital to another, from one doctor to another, from one prescription or medication to another, but nothing was happening, no improvement, no sign of getting better, instead it got worse. It started smelling, I started feeling terrible pain that could last for hours, could stand for long, had to start wearing long dresses to cover it, to avoid getting sacked from my job as my job had to do with food/snacks and constantly attending to customers.

I felt terrible, I felt frustrated, and the doctors were tired because they tried all they could but had no evidence, at the end of the day, they told me that I would need to amputate my left leg to avoid the infection spreading and making the wound deeper and wider than how it was. Many close to me who knew about my wound also said that I would need to amputate my leg because it was really bad, but I couldn't bring myself to accept such a fate.


I spent all the money I had and used everything I was told to use but nothing was working. I couldn't attend events because of the stigma on my left leg, thank God my boss was kind enough to let me continue working even though he got many complaints from customers to relieve me of my duty, I needed the pay from the job now more than ever.

The wound on my left leg lasted for nine months, until one day, I decided to visit my mom, and she saw my leg, she wept when she saw the state of my leg and was angry that I hid such a thing from her, even when I went through such an ordeal, I still decided to hide it, and when I told her the best solution the doctors had told me which was to amputate it, she screamed.

She said I was never going to go through such a process, that she was going to treat me by herself, till the wound healed but I wasn't in support of her idea, I mean if the doctors have tried all they could, and it did not heal, why would she think she can work on my leg and it will heal.

After much argument, I realized that it was a dead end, I had to oblige her request, so I called my boss and informed him about my travel and he permitted me to stay there and get the needed treatment. It wasn't up to a month since we started seeing evidence. She would wake up every morning, clean up my wound with hot water with Dettol, and when she was done, she would add iodine to the wound.

Before the end of the second month, I was with my mom, and my wound was perfectly healed, I went back to my place, and even at my workplace, everyone was surprised that my wound had healed, within such a short period. This was a wound that even after all the treatment for nine months, nothing happened, and within two months I was healed.

When they asked me how, I told them my mom did the cleaning with just hot water, Dettol, and iodine but they wouldn't believe that those three things worked better and faster than all the things the doctors used and that was how I got my miracle and knew it was a miracle to get my left leg back, with no need for amputation like the doctors had suggested. Every day, I look back at the incident, and how I got healed, and I believe it was indeed a miracle.

Thank you for reading!!!

PS: The image is a picture of my left leg with the scar due to the wound.

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