Standard home Remedies for Fever and Cough.

My name is Ekojah Joshua.You can find me here as @ekojah. My father is expert in the area of simple home remedies for sickness.We usually called him African correct Doctor.The knowledge i acquired or gained from him is what am going to put down here for your consumption as home remedies for fever and cough.

many of us don't realize that our farms,kitchens and gardens are filled with natural remedies that can provide effective relief from fever and cough without the potential side effects of drugs from the chemist.

A fever is our body's natural response to an infection, and it's important to allow our body to fight off the infection on its own. However, when our temperature rises too high, it can be uncomfortable and even dangerous. That's where home remedies come in.

One of the simplest ways to reduce fever is to
eat ginger and garlic. Ginger is known for helping lower inflammation, which is a body response associated with fever. Some studies report that garlic has anti-viral benefits.

Add garlic to a soup or pour hot water over a slice of fresh ginger root to make a drink.
Dr. Li also suggests in one of his works
Posted on January 25, 2024 by Henry Ford Health Staff that
trying moringa tea, an herbal beverage may help break fevers.

Another home remedy for fever is to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids, such as water, clear broths, beverages like coconut water or sports drinks.

My father also taught me that, you can apply a cold compress to your forehead, armpits, or neck to help bring down your temperature.
Plenty of rest is also one of the best home remedies for fever.
Get plenty of rest. letting your body rest and relax helps you get rid of your fever and start feeling better.

Next, let us also discuss about home remedies for cough. A cough can be a frustrating symptom that affects our daily lives. But thank God there are several home remedies that can provide relief.

Home remedy for cough.

Sugar mixed with palm oil is a powerful home remedy for cough . My father always tell me to mix sugar and palm oil for cough each time am coughing and it has been working for me.My friends learned this home remedy for cough from us and it has been working for them hitherto. The good thing about this remedy (mixing sugar and oil) for cough is that,it has no bad side effects.But note that,too much of everything is bad.
Honey, for example, is a natural cough suppressant that can be mixed with warm water or tea to fight cough.
Ginger and lemon juice, combined in warm water, prepare a tea that can help reduce coughing

Using of herbs such as Thyme leaves, Lemon grass steeped in hot water can also make a tea that helps reduce coughing and deal with infection.
Also, Inhale steam from a bowl of hot water or a steam loosen mucus and reduce coughing.
Mix salt and warm water to create a gargling solution that can help fight sore throat and reduce coughing.

In conclusion, home remedies for fever and cough are natural, effective, and easy to use. By using these remedies in our daily lives, we can reduce our reliance and spending on synthetic drugs and allow our bodies to heal naturally. So advice my readers to try reaching for a home remedy for sickness instead of medication all the time . Thank you.

Source: All pictures are mine.

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