As we grow old childhood memories become the best part of our lives. Growing up as a child I have lived with many special and unforgettable memories, some painful, sad, wonderful, and happy memories. However, of all memories, only exquisite memories are worth mentioning over and over again. Sometimes, people claim that their best memories were created with their lovers, traveling, or celebrating with family.

But as for me, the years I spent in a boarding school provided me with many special events that I will always live to remember.

As a young child leaving my parent to a boarding school at the age of 10 was so difficult because I had to adapt to a new system in life, where our life activities go on a roller coaster, doing all activities with time. But as time went on I got accustomed to it. There were so many events that happened during this period of my life I can remember vividly when a senior student came to our dormitory, she skillfully instilled fear in the hearts of many juniors including me by telling us scary tales about Bush Baby, Miss Koi koi, white ghost, and many more. After the senior left that night, my bunkmate ( bunkie) woke me up in the middle of the night that she wanted to urinate. I acting all brave asked her why she was afraid so I followed her outside to urinate and when she was almost done a big rat ran passed us, I left her outside ran to my bed, and forced myself to sleep with goosebumps all around my body. Funny isn't it?

The next day the girl told the remaining students in the dormitory about the incident, you needed to see the embarrassment on my face that day I was later nicknamed " bravery", which most of my classmates call me up till today.


Another incident I recall which I think was very childish of me was when I was returning to school after a holiday. I hid a packet of Maggi in my school bag.
On my arrival at the school, the security was searching the students' bags and seizing contraband and when it got to my turn they searched my bag and brought out the packet of Maggi the security asked what I was doing with it and, I replied to the man saying the food we were been serve were tasteless and I will be going to the dining hall with a cube anytime I want to eat the food they all started laughing and asked which class I was, then I was in Jss1. Anytime I remember this particular incident I laugh.

While writing I remembered another incident that happened when I was 5 years old.
My parents quarreled over a petty issue and they weren't talking much to each other for some days. A couple of days later, my relatives came to stay with us. It was a normal day and I heard my mom telling my relatives that the day after tomorrow was her marriage day.

After listening to this, I assumed that my mom was going to marry some other person and I felt very bad.
I cried a lot but did not reveal the real reason. I did not get a chance to talk to my Mom as relatives were at home and Mom is very busy with household chores.

The next day I went to my dad and told him that I had come to know that the next day was Mom’s marriage day. He said,” Yes! And we are going to have fun “ and went on with his work. This terrified me more and I ran to my mom and told her (Actually, I wanted to convince my mom not to leave),” Mommy! Daddy is very good”. She said, Yes! Unable to control myself, I asked her crying, why are you marrying again when dad is so good.?.

My Mom and relatives could not understand what I was saying for a minute and then started laughing loudly and made fun of me. Later they explained to me that the anniversary is the day on which a person got married.

Truly, childhood memories make a positive impact on one's life, especially the happy ones, cause when reminiscing on them you won't help but laugh. MEMORIES ARE THE BEST PART OF LIFE.


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