I fit perfectly in the category of those who dislike attention, moreso negative attention. And one thing I have well been able to avoid is getting into confrontations, especially scenarios where I get to be called out.


And although I did some fine job on that, I still somehow managed to get ripped in one unfortunate incident. One that should never had led to the drama that ensued.

To the story...

A certain day, at my former neighbourhood and in the compound where I and my family lived alongside other tenants, for the very first time, I got roped into drama.

What happened was, it was about to rain that day and I was the only one in the compound. On going out to get my clothes from the line, I realized that the clothes of one of my neighbours was outside too. I was in no way friends with this neighbour. All we did was stay cordial and exchange greetings. She was the newest tenant in the compound. But I couldn't bear to see her already dried clothes get beaten by the rain. And so in that rush, I got all hers(which were about three clothes altogether) and mine and took them inside to my own apartment and dumped everything in the chair at a corner of the room.

It was a Friday and I was to spend the weekend at an aunt's place. When the rain stopped and at that time, she had not returned, I took my bag and left for my aunt's. By Sunday evening when I got back, and went into the house, my brother just randomly started gisting me of the drama that had been happening. The lady, the owner of the clothes had apparently not found her things on the line when she returned and since no one stepped forward to give it to her, she began to raise her voice saying curse words and how people were stealing from her and stuff. He said everyday, since that Friday, she'd been talking carelessly and dropping snide remarks.

I immediately recalled that I was the one who had taken in the items so I went by the chair I had dumped all the clothing and sorted hers. Quickly, I went over and knocked at her door to remit her clothes. Well, guess what? When I handed the clothes to her, rather than appreciate the supposed good deed that I had done, she began spitting accusatory and insulting words. She said if she hadn't began to yell and talk that I'd probably keep the clothes for myself. I felt hurt. All I did was help a neighbour. Maybe I had made the mistake of not informing anyone that I had taken her clothes in, but there was no one to tell at the time. It hadn't even crossed my mind to call anyone to tell. This act, of helping a neighbour take in their stuff, was not new to me. Just like I did for her, I have helped others too and they also have done for me as well. And from what I learned later, as was usually done, she didn't go by people's houses to ask if anyone had helped take in her clothes when the rain came pouring. She just started ranting out of the blues.

I was lost for words. And she kept raising her voice and attracting attention. People came out to see what was on I was more shocked than angry. And being one who hated being the centerfold, plus for someone who was never in the news for trouble, I was very disoriented and highly embarrassed. She would not even let me speak. I just knew talking things out with someone like her was a no-brainer. So I pushed her clothes into her hands and walked away. I don't haggle words and exchanging words isn't my thing.

As I was going back in the direction of my house, I heard another neighbor yell at her for how badly she had spoken to me. Before I knew it, it was full blown quarrel between those two. The other neighbor took the issue up and faced the lady on my behalf. I guess she already had sentiments about her and that was an opportunity to settle scores. It turned to some serious quarrel but I did not care. I was just pissed. I never knew rendering help was that bad.

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