As a newbie starting out on Hive, it can feel like you're in a strange land. Like a pupil at a new school. With the blockchain not looking like the conventional social media apps, it can pose a little difficulty to navigate.


Personally, after so long since I signed up to be part of here, am only just finding my footing. When after you sign up, especially in the comment section of your introduction post, different users welcome you with tips and guidelines they hope you study and adhere to inorder to have some ease in the journey ahead.

But if we be sincere to ourselves, it's not so easy as laid out. Some good guidance is needed fir a period of time before one is left to himself. Meanwhile with so much in your face and feeling lost, here are three tips I'd recommend that would help you work your way around here until you can seamlessly work your way around.

•Set a goal
Since it's the start of a new year and also because it's important, I advise that you set a goal. Make it a year-long and divide it in bits. It's important that at the end of a period, you can look back to see how far well you fared.

As a newbie too, there will be lazy days, days when you feel unethusiastic but when you have a set target, it's registered in your mind that one day skipped on hitting the day's target could set you back on your goals or even spell double work. To make fit balance, you can set a time frame within which to work your bits towards the goal.

•Follow rules religiously
Rules here are made to guide you and ensure a hitch-free experience as possible. Every contest, every community, discord channels, Hive in general just like our world has laid out rules. Mistakes are often made as you start out but learn from them.

While at that, be inquisitive. Don't be scared to ask for guidance when you miss a thing or cannot correctly interpret a situation. Users here are always eagdr to help put you through. Besides, if you don't ask, how would you learn better?

•Make engagements
This here seems to be one of the easiest way to thrive and navigate here. As someone who is new, it's absolutely necessary that you be seen. There's always a good number of people joining in daily but those who take it upon themselves to relate with others well in comment sections and on discord will most readily get updates and good guidance. So, read others, leave meaningful comments. Be extra. Put away one-word/one-line comments. Here, you'll learn that in the same measure that you support other users, same measure will you receive support.

There's a ton of things a newbie ought to ought to know and arm themselves with as they begin this journey. Note also that theres room to diversify and take up your blogging in whatever niche you prefer. In all though, it's important to stay curious, very observant, open and unashamed to seeking clarity and knowledge even over the littlest of confusion, because those set you one step forward to attaining excellence.


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