How I would Perfectly Raise my Dream Kids

My parents are my role models. The way they have raised me, I believe if I follow their path I would end well too.

When I get married to my future beautiful and lovely wife, and we reach the stage of raising children I would employ these strategies to help my children grow in the right way. First, I wouldn't hate my children. In my child raising,I would never hate any of my children no matter the situation. Children are precious gifts and are supposed to be shown exceptional love.

I would never abuse my children. When I say abuse, I mean physical,verbal and most importantly sexual abuse. This is the worst way to raise a child. Beating up or saying hurtful words to a child is never a way to discipline a child for their mistakes. There are a million and thousand ways to discipline children for misbehaving such as denying them what gives them pleasure such as the TV, phones or even food but for a short time.

I would never pamper my children to the limit. I would pamper them but there must be bounds. Discipline is a quality I must imbibe in them as they grow. I remember when my parents would deny me lunch money when going to school because I failed to do my chores early and I ended up going late to school. As a father, I would love my children to begin taking responsibilities as soon as I feel they are of age.

I would never be too strict on my children. I would give them a chance to always speak their mind. I would encourage them to always talk to us(their parents)about any issue or suggestions.I wouldn't want my children to see us as unapproachable persons. I wouldn't want them to hide things from us, their parents.

I wouldn't only love my children, I would also support them in terms of finances and in their goals or dreams.I would never see their opinions or dreams as childish. I would not let my children suffer in anything I know I can help them out. I remember that throughout my education in my parents home, I had never been sent out school during fee drive.It wasn't that my parents were rich but they paid from their purse or borrowed most times just to support me. They want me to see shame and I wouldn't want that for my children too.

Finally, my child raising would never include denial of freedom. When my children reach the age of making decisions on their own, I would never take away their independence. Children as they grow would always reach the age when they feel their parents are dictating their life . When such a stage comes in my dream child raising,I would never deny them of this freedom. My children would choose their future professions themselves and I would support them till the end. By allowing children to make decisions,they make mistakes and in the process learn from their mistakes.

Most problems of this world are as a result of bad parenting. I would never want my children to leave my home to and begin to cause havoc to the world. So to achieve my aim, I would exclude these aspects of parenting which I feel inappropriate as I detailed above which are hatred, child abuse,over pampering, over strict, lack of support and denial of freedom.

Thanks for reading and I hope you must have learned a lot.

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